The Document, Unexpected Meetings 6

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Winterspirit couldn't breathe, the ginger cat kept squeezing her neck in her jaws. Winterspirit shot open, she couldn't let this happen. Winterspirit brought her hind legs up and kicked the ginger and white cat off of her. Winterspirit gasped for air, she stood up. The ginger and white cat cut her thought some but left no blood trace. Winterspirit jumped at Rollin, she started pushing him back.

"Rollin, move! Move! Move!" Winterspirit shouted.

Rollin was still frozen in fear, Winterspirit had no choice but to scare him. Winterspirit got in his face with a mean look.

"If you don't get out of my way I'll kill you! I promise I will shred your fur off and claw your eyes out! I will tear you apart piece by piece!" Winterspirit hissed in Rollins face.

Rollin snapped out of it, he stood up on his paws and ran off. Winterspirit followed him, Rollin ran and stopped, and he slid on his paws and looked back.

"Oh wait! Your document!" Rollin shouted and ran back at the cats.

"Rollin no!!" Winterspirit screeched.

Rollin snatched up the paper before any of the cats could grab it, Rollin ran off towards Winterspirit. Rollin and Winterspirit ran out of the forest, they sprinted towards Stone Mountain. The rocky terrain with lots of caves. They got to Stone Mountain with the other cats following them far behind. Rollin and Winterspirit kept running, they ran on flat rocks, a river flowed far off to their side. A thin, stone path led through the river.

"Let's go across the river!" Rollin barked.

"No! This is all rocky! These rocks are flat, they will be very slippery! We will fall into the river and you can't swim! We could also hit out heads and then it will be over! It's too risky!" Winterspirit yowled.

"...Fine." Rollin whined.

They kept running, Winterspirit looked around for an underground cave. She looked side to side, she saw an underground cave.

"Over there, in the cave!" Winterspirit meowed.

They both ran towards the cave, Winterspirit heard a rumbling sound, the ground started to shake.

"Ah, Spirit!" Rollin yowled.

The ground beneath then crumbled into pieces and fell apart. Below was black, Rollin and Winterspirit fell down inside the blackness. They landed on the hard, rocky ground stunned. Winterspirit's vision came back into focus, she saw some dirt down here with flowers of any color growing in the dirt. Winterspirit stood up and took a closer look at them, they were Petunia's. The type of flowers that are used to make dye, wet and powder.

"Look Spirit, a bundle of white Petunia's. You can make powder dye, cover yourself up." Rollin barked staring at the bundle of white flowers.

"We don't have time though!" Winterspirit meowed.

"You can hurry. It doesn't have to be perfect." Rollin barked.

"...All right." Winterspirit meowed.

Winterspirit walked over to the flowers, she grabbed them in her jaws and pulled them out. She looked around, the top of the cave was dripping water. Winterspirit couldn't see no water, she saw a droplet fall to the ground. She walked to the spot where the droplet fell at, she stepped in a puddle of water. She couldn't see the water, she sat down and tore up the petals of the flowers. Winterspirit splashed some water up in her paws with the flowers, she rubbed it on her pelt. Soon her pelt was dyed white, Winterspirit was about to splash water on her white, dyed pelt. A yowl sounded from up above, Winterspirit and Rollin looked up. The cats found them, Winterspirit realized that it was Levi, a Paws of Protection cat. Winterspirit panicked, she looked around for a way out. She saw the exit to the cave.

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