A Special Cat Is Among Us, Worthless Runt 4

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A small mouse is eating a blueberry, munching on the juicy berry not alert of the predator. Before the mouse had the time to escape claws pinned the mouse down and made a swift kill. The white kit picked up the mouse and carried it off to her den. Winterspirit got to her den, she sat down in the grass and began to eat her catch. She finished eating the mouse and buried the bones. She got up and stretched her paws out, the sun was high in the sky. The day was hotter than usual, Winterspirit walked over to the big rocks that where next to the den and jumped up on them. She laid down on the hot rock, it relaxed her. She looked up noticing a weird cloud above her.

It was a dark grey cloud, it was the only cloud in the sky. Winterspirit frowned thinking it will start to rain soon. She layed on the rock and closed her eyes for a while. She smelled something unusual, she opened her eyes and looked up. The whole sky was dark grey, but no rain. Winterspirit got curious and the unusual smell got stronger. Winterspirit leaped off the rock and walked over to the big tree, she climbed up it to the very top branch. She looked forward, it was darker over towards Electric city. Winterspirit looked behind her and it was clear sky, she looked towards the black cloud, it is very big covering some of Electric city. Winterspirit looked closer and squinted her eyes, the wind was blowing towards her. There was a pure black cloud touching the ground like an unmoving tornado.

Winterspirit thought she would go and check it out and climbed down the tree. She walked out of the forest, she got outside of the spooky forest and she put her paw over her nose, the scent has gotten worse.

"Something bad must be happening, I better hurry." Winterspirit thought.

She begin to run, the grass was harder than usual. She continued running, strikes of lightning where saw in the sky. Winterspirit knew it was a 'Dry-storm'. The grey clouds had black and dark grey clouds under it. Thunder was loud, a lightning strikes down to the ground by Winterspirit. Winterspirit stopped, she ran to the place where the lightning has strike. The grass was dead and burnt, a small fire was in the center, it smelled like the scent Winterspirit was smelling. She licked her paw and stepped on the small flame. Winterspirit looked at Electric city, she flattened her ears knowing that a fire has started. She sprinted through the grass, she saw a small rock in front of her. She jumped over it so she wouldn't trip over it, she continued running, her nose burning from the smoke. She got to Electric city, it wreaked in smoke. 

Winterspirit ran towards the scent, she saw big flames shooting up in the sky. She got closer and saw a apartment on fire, the place was burnt and was still high up in flames. She stopped running, a big crowd of citizen cats where watching the building burn down. Two cats where crying, a brown and white striped female and a brown male. Winterspirit thought this was their home now being destroyed.

"My kit. My kit... my newborn kitten." The female cried softly.

Winterspirit's ears perked as she heard her say something about her kit. Winterspirit walked over to them, they didn't notice her.

"Um, excuse me." Winterspirit meowed.

They looked down at her, they're eyes where full of tears.

"Is there anymore cats in there like, you said something about a kit." Winterspirit asked.

"...Are kit is in there, that's the only cat that's in there. Why did you ask, she's dead." The female replied.

"Are you sure? Did you see it with you own eyes?" Winterspirit asked.

"No, but where positive. It's too late." The male said.

"But if you're not sure. Then the kit could still be alive!" Winterspirit meowed.

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