Chapter 2: Stupid Rain

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*= Your Thoughts

                   When you're friends asked you to come with them to an EXO concert, you rejected the offer. Not that you don't want your friends with you but you just wanted to be alone. Besides all your friends ever talk about is EXO. It was a Saturday afternoon you went to the movie theatre to relax. You hated movies with romance/fluff, and especially kissing. Considering you never even bothered to get a boyfriend for once, “So what?? Boyfriends are dumb." you muttered again. You would always moan whenever a movie had kissing, "Eww Just No" you said to yourself.

                   Luckily the movie you bought the ticket to was a comedy, you absolutely love comedy plus it cheers you up. "AHAHAHAHA! That dude just drank out of a toilet!" you said. Everyone looked at you awkwardly. You were always the person that got stared at to be honest It just creeps the hell out of you. On top of that you had the loudest, disturbing, psychotic laugh, which scare the hell of out of people even more. You're lucky you have friends that appreciate you for who you are, although they are EXO crazy.

                    As the movie ended you just wandered through the streets of Seoul like a lost puppy, you just didn't want to go home. Another thought went into your brain,

*doesn’t EXO have lots of Sasaeng fans?? In my opinion sasaengs are stupid, Why would you spent you're entire life just for your k-pop idol to notice you. Stupid Stupid Stupid. Sasaengs are everywhere is Seoul, from rooftops of a building to the dirty cement. Just Plain Disgusting*.

                      You headed to the concert revenue where all your friends are screaming their hearts out for EXO.

*Why the hell are you screaming!? You guys are killing my ears! EXO's not that hot you know, Justin Bieber is...*

the security guards hauled you out of the concert because you were mistaken as a drug dealer. You couldn't blame them; you were dressed all in black and had your hair was up in a bun, plus you had dark make up on.

*Stereotype Cops Ugghh.*

you thought to yourself, you waited for the concert to be over to see you're maniac friends.

                     They came out so happy, and cheerful. "Yah! Ha Na! I guess you decided to go to the concert after all!" one of your friend said, "Dude I was waiting for all of you." you responded. "I think someone loves EXO." the other one said, you were so offended you didn't know what to say. Instead you pinched your friend’s cheeks really tight; they all hated that. You said to them "Kaja!" They all headed home, and you were left all alone in the darkness. "They dare leave me alone!?"

*Especially when it’s 10:30 pm at night!? Aiiiish! Those little psycho’s! Ottoke!!?? Ottoke!!??* You face palmed.

                       You started walking down the street; suddenly a whole crowd of girls came and pushed you. You fell on the cement floor "OUCH!!! NOW MY BUTT HURTS!!" you yell.

*It's another crowd of Sasaengs, Well that bummed your joy! Ottoke!? Oh! I know what to do...*

"HEY EVERYBODY!!! IT'S SUPAH! JUNIOR!" you yelled on top of your lungs. The crowd of girls headed the opposite direction

*Ha! Opposite Direction; One Direction! Get It?*

      You finally stood up and got a hold of your balance. While walking you bumped into a guy obviously taller than you; He looked familiar like he was on a popular poster or something. His name was at the tip of your tongue.

                      Just when he was about to say sorry It started pouring really hard.

*I hate you Rain, Stupid Rain.*

you didn't have an umbrella. You looked like a homeless person with no food, shelter, or umbrella. Overall it looks like you are in a Korean Drama.

*So Dramatic*

you thought to yourself. The boy stopped from walking any further, "Do you mind walking with me? Since you don't have an umbrella?" he said nicely.

*Should I go with this unknown person?? What If he kidnaps me!?*

You chose to walk with him for a while. "I forgot to introduce myself! BaekHyun's the name!" he started the conversation, "Anneyeonghaseyo! Ha Na imnida!" you responded.

*HAHA XD You're Name sounds like Bacon*

you chuckle.

                      "So, Why are you out so late at night?" he asked you, "Umm, My friends went to an EXO concert." you said shyly. "Ahh I heard they're really popular, I thought you were a drug dealer at first. Sorry" he joked. "Yeah, that’s what the cops thought too." I chuckle back.

*He has a good sense of humor! But he looks awfully familiar, it’s right at the tip of my tongue!!*

"You look familiar..." you blurt out, "Yeah, A lot of people say that." he said nervously.

                      “Can I take your picture?" You ask him, "Why?" he said. "So I Can Remember how you look like.”, "Sorry, You can't my parents are really strict about taking pictures." he said. "Plus, I'm not Photogenic." he smiled widely. You smiled, He smiled. The rain finally stopped, "Thanks! BaekHyun-sshi!" you yell running down the street to your house. "No! Problem Ha Na! Call Me Oppa nice to meet you!" he yelled back. 

BaekHyun's POV.

                     Talk about crazy! And to think she was a normal girl!? She wanted to take my picture?? OMG. Sasaengs are everywhere! I can't take this! Aiiish! I bet she's a sasaeng on drugs. Boy, they sure can be rowdy. I hate to admit it but she's so KYEOPTA!! But... She's a SASAENG! I can't like her. GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF BAEKHYUN!!! Her face is so pretty. I'm probably not going to meet her again after this.

                    Uggh! I'm late! My members are going to get mad at me! What If She Isn't A SASAENG!? Then I would love her. What If she really was a drug dealer!? What If she was drunk!? Why the hell am I thinking this!?!? WORSE!! WHAT IF SHE WAS NOT A GIRL!!?? EWWWWWWW I'm not gay. I got to tell all the other EXO members about this!! They’re going to freak!!

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