Part 9: Hug Monster!!

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 Natemare had gotten the ice cream while I was asleep. He got me (favorite flavor) ice cream. When I woke up, we were at home and Anti was back. He gave me a small bowl full of ice cream. Natemare turned on my favorite movie and we all sat together on the couch, eating ice cream and watching T.V. Dark got back halfway through the movie. He took his already set out bowl of ice cream and sat next to me. I scooted over to give him room. When the movie ended, Anti turned to me and said, "It's late, Y/n. Off to bed!" He grinned. I got up from the couch and stretched before yawning and walking up the stairs. I collapsed into my bed and fell asleep.

I woke up to a soft shaking. Dark was poking my shoulder. "Tag, you're it!" He suddenly started running. My eyes snapped open all the way and I laughed. I hurried after him. I wandered around and burst into every room screaming "BOO!" at the top of my lungs. When he wasn't in a room, I'd smile and go to the next. Eventually, I came to my room. I snuck up to my closet and whipped open the doors. I frowned slightly when he wasn't in there... Suddenly, two arms shot out from behind some clothes, and pulled me into the closet. I squealed and struggled. He tickled me and I managed to wriggle around enough to face him. I tapped him on the nose.

"Tag! You're it!" I squirmed out of his arms and bolted away. He ran after me, stomping down the hallway like a dinosaur or monster.

"Look out!" He suddenly cried, looking serious.

"Whaaaa! What is it?!" I didn't dare move.

"It's the notorious..." He picked me up. "Hug monster!" He and I both laughed as we hugged each other. I booped him on the nose again and giggled. He laughed. 

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