Part 52: Bill Cipher

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"Alright. I'll go." I said, taking the man's hand and shaking it. The man's smile was devilish as he pulled me onto the train. The train shook, and slowly started to rattle down the tracks.

"Pleasure doing business with you!" He turned to me.

"May I ask what your name is?"

"Ah, that's an easy question. The name's Bill Cipher! And you're Y/n, the kid raised by fellow demons!"

"Wait, you're a demon too?" I asked. Well, it would kind of make sense, considering that he just summoned a train with a snap of his fingers.

"Yes, I am! An all-knowing and all-seeing Dream Demon, to be exact!" He grinned like the Cheshire Cat.

"Cool!" I peeped. "...Where are we going?"

"Wherever I need to go." Bill stated simply, leaning against the wall of the train as he absently watched the rolling landscape zip by.

"Will we ever go back to Raspy Hill?" When I said this, Bill started laughing.

"Why would we ever need to go back?"

"Well, my family..."

"Forget about them!" Bill yelled with enough force to make me flinch. "I have you, you have me, that's all that matters. I'm your new family."

"Y-yeah... Who needs the others?" I said, trying to sound like I agreed with him. In my heart, I knew it was the wrong thing to say. I remembered Nightmare's words. Would that future still apply if I simply left? Or... would that horrible future come down on my friends anyway?

"Stop thinking about that." Bill commanded.


"That exact future is not going to happen if you just leave with me like this. If it does, we can just go over and fix it. But, don't get your hopes up. Chances are you'll never see them again, and by extension, they'll never see you again." I remembered that I left without truly saying goodbye. But... If I was the reason that people were attacking and they were getting hurt, wasn't it right for everybody that I was leaving? If Bill turned out to be hostile, I would see my real mother and father again, at least. I hoped that Anti, Dark, Natemare, and the others would see that my decision was logical. If they didn't, well, they couldn't tell me about it. I fell silent as we raced along the tracks. The ache in my heart was almost enough to make me cry. It just didn't feel right to leave them without a goodbye. It didn't feel right to leave them at all. And what about my friends at Freddy's? They wouldn't have anyone to talk to except each other, which Chica said was extremely boring, since everybody already knew everybody. I heard a song floating on the wind, and I heard it over even the rattle of the wheels on the tracks.

"You are my sunshine... my only sunshine... you make me happy, when skies are grey... You'll never know, dear, how much I love you... Please don't take, my sunshine away..." I heard the last line quaver a bit, the voice cracking. The voice sounded familiar too. Anti! A vision flashed before me. Anti, kneeling by the train tracks, black tears rolling down his face as he yelled that he didn't want to lose me again. Dark, patting Anti's shoulder reassuringly, but crying and looking angry at himself. Natemare, with a determined look saying 'I'm getting our child back.' No, Natemare. I'm going to come back myself! I don't want to leave! I thought, knowing it was true. I stood up. Bill looked over at me. He grinned, baring his teeth.

"Don't think I'm going to let you leave just like that. Remember, you made a deal with me. We're bound until it's either broken or both of us have filled our sides of the deal. But this deal was for eternity, so you're not leaving."

"What happens if I walk away? Just run away and abandon the deal?"

"You'd die." Bill stated, the evil look coming into his eye again. My eyes widened.

"I-I'm leaving! The deal's off! I forfeit my side!"

"That's not how it works, my little pawn." He stood, rising a head and shoulders above me. "You have to stay with me..." His clothing turned red and his eye turned black. "Forever."

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