Part 79: Babysitters

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We were finally home. Even though it was not much more than a day, it felt like forever since I had been in my room. I sighed and laid down on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. Afternoon light filtered through the window. There was loud talking downstairs. It seemed that Google was having an argument with Dark. There was a knock at my door, and Anti cracked it open.

"Hey," he said, coming in and sitting on the edge of my bed. "Just so ya know, Google just reminded us about a thing Dark, Natemare, and I were supposed to do. We'll be gone for a few days. Dark figured that Bill and Summer wouldn't be sufficient enough to take care of you, so we've hired a babysitter."

"Oh... Okay..." I was kinda upset that they were leaving me already, but it was okay.

"Have a good week." Anti said, hugging me goodbye. He disappeared down the hallway, and I heard the front door slam shut. A couple minutes later, I heard that slam again. I crept out of my room, peeking around the corner. I recognized the person immediately.

"EDD!" I shouted, dashing out of the room. Memories of him helping out at the orphanage flooded back to me. He was the greatest guy there! Edd turned to face me, smiling widely. I hugged him, and he wrapped his cola-scented sweatshirt sleeves around me.

"Heya, Y/n!" He chirped. He released me, and we walked to the living room. "How's life been treating you?" He asked as we sat on the couch.

"It's been good! I've gone on a ton of adventures with my family!"

"That's swell!"

"How are Tom, Tord, and Matt?" I asked. Tom, in my knowledge, always carried around a flask of I-don't-know-what. His voice was rather low, and he was very serious. Matt was the opposite of Tom. His voice was higher, and he was sillier than Tom. He always carried around a mirror, and would sometimes hold it up to me and go, 'see? You're so cute! My mirror never lies!'

"Tom's still drunk - as always. Matt got a ton of brand new mirrors and picture frames. Tord..." He trailed off. "Tord passed."

"Oh..." I looked down. Tord was always silent for the most part, but when he talked, his accent made me smile. Sometimes he talked just to see me giggle. It was kinda sad to think that he was gone. While he was with me he was almost always a parent figure.

"But hey, if you want, I could ask and see if your guardians will let me bring Tom and Matt over."


-A phone call later...-

"They're on their way!" Edd smiled, producing a cola can from his pocket and opening it. About ten minutes later, there was a knock at the door. Edd answered.

"Edd, explain why we had to drive over to a random house with no more explanation than-" Tom walked inside, and paused when he saw me. Or.... at least I think he saw me. Tom didn't have eyes - just eye sockets. He smiled slightly. "Hello, Y/n. It's been a while." I waved at him. I was suddenly knocked over by a flash of green and purple.

"Y/N!" Matt yelled, hugging me. I smiled and hugged him back.

"Hia, Matt!" I grinned, stepping away. "I'm so glad I could see you guys again!"

"We're glad too!" Matt smiled with his signature moonbeam. Tom muttered to himself.

"Wanna watch a show?" I asked, turning on the T.V.

"Yeah! Let's watch (favorite movie)!" Matt advised, sitting on the couch with Tom and Edd. I sat in the spot between Matt and Edd, and my favorite movie came on.

A/N: If you don't know what Eddsworld is, look it up! It's a great show, and I highly recommend it! Leave a comment if you've seen it before!

-My Family- (Fandoms x Child!Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ