Part 39: Costumes and 42

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(A/N: For writing's sake, I'm going to use the Puppet costume (Also, I saw the IHasCupquake video for it))

-Y/n's PoV-

I woke up to Anti talking.

"Yeah, DeathsLullaby. That's gonna be a normal thing from now on, if that's okay with you all. Also, that's a good idea for a costume." Anti was saying. I was wondering who the heck he was talking to. I got up, and came out of my room. Dark was downstairs, making coffee. Jack was arguing with him about creamer and stuff. Anti was in the room next to me, the bathroom, talking to someone. I knocked on the door.

"A-" I started.

"Just a second!" He cut me off. I sighed. The door to the bathroom opened and he stepped out into the hallway.

"What's up?" I asked.

"It's Halloween, Y/n! We're all planning out our costumes and stuff! What would you like to go as?" Anti asked cheerily. I pondered that question for a moment before saying my choice.

"I want to go as that puppet character from that jumpscare game." I tried to describe it. I could picture it well, but I had no idea how to put it into words.

"The Puppet from FNAF?"

"Uh huh."

Anti nodded. "What should Dark go as? He was hoping you'd pick for him."

"Dark should go as Mark, and Mark should go as Dark!" I said, trying to picture Mark in Dark's suit and tie.

"Here's my costume!" Anti snapped his fingers, suddenly changing into a different outfit.

"What costume is that?" I asked.

"I'm Wilson, from Don't Starve!"

"Oh! Cool!" I smiled. I was happy with my choice, but I didn't know what I'd need to accomplish it. "Uh... Anti, could you help me make my costume?" Anti snapped his fingers, and I was immediately in the costume I wanted. "Yay!" I pulled the mask of the costume over my face.

"We still have over half a day to kill, so don't get super excited." Anti said. Anti's costume was so good, I could barely recognize him. Only the voice gave him away.

"I'ma go ask what everyone else is wearing." I said. I dashed down the stairs, the sleeves on my costume billowing as I ran. I jumped off the rail half way down, expecting to land on my feet. Instead, I landed directly on Mark. He yelped in surprise, and we both toppled to the ground. The mask flew off my face, clattering to the floor in front of Dark's feet. I sat up, a bit wobbly, and stood. I helped Mark up as well. He was still trying to figure out what happened.

"You're going as the Puppet?" Dark asked me.

"Yep!" I exclaimed. "Also, my suggestion for your costume is that you go as Mark, and Mark goes as you!"

"Okay. Sounds good!" Mark agreed with Dark.

"I'll go as Chica." Jack said.

"My dog?!" Mark asked, staring at Jack. Chica, who Mark had brought over to Raspy Hill, barked.

"Wh... NO!" Jack snapped with a smile as Mark started laughing. He punched Mark playfully on the shoulder. "Fine! I'll go as... Tonnie!"


"Toy Bonnie."

"Oh." Mark nodded slightly. "Where will you find the suit?"

"Walmart." Jack snickered.

"Oh, right, Walmart. The answer to life, the universe, and everything." Mark said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"Nuh uh!" I shook my head. "That's not the answer to life the universe and everything!"

Mark turned to face me. "Then what is?"


"No way." Mark crossed his arms.

"Ask Google!" I pointed at Google as he walked into the room.

"Okay, Google! What's the answer to life, the universe, and everything?" Mark asked. Google thought for a second before a screen popped up in front of him.

 Google thought for a second before a screen popped up in front of him

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A/n: OKAY, so I made the drawing below! YAY! This is the costume you are wearing.

A/n: OKAY, so I made the drawing below! YAY! This is the costume you are wearing

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