Part 70: PRANK WAR (Day 1)!

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-Anti's PoV-

DeathsLullaby, you are freakin' BRILLIANT. I thought to myself. There was a knock at the door. I answered it.

"Hi, Dr. Schneeplestein! Ready to join the war?"

"Aye, I am!" The doctor replied. "I already have some ideas fer pranks!"

"Hold your horses. Bill and Y/n aren't here yet. There was a loud bang behind me. "Speak of the devil."

"I'm not the devil, I'm a demon." Bill corrected.

"Prank war!" Y/n cheered.

"Alright, the first day is gathering ideas. Dr. Schneeplestein will go first with his ideas." I announced.

"Right." Dr. Schneeplestein pulled out a piece of paper and cleared his throat. "Prank one. Instal an airhorn as a door wall protector."

"Ooh." Bill hummed.

"Prank two. Offer them water in an original way."

"I KNOW WHAT TO DO!" Y/n shouted. Bill shushed them. The enemy was preparing in the room next to us, and we had to keep it down.

"Zip-ties and Febreze." Dr. Schneeplestein said. I raised my hand. I got that one. "Give them a technology upgrade." He said sarcastically.

"Got that." Bill said.

"We all have one now... Today's round of pranks is planned. Let's get to work!" I said, clapping my hands.

-Dark's PoV-

We had finished planning at the same time Anti announced that they were done. Host was going to put an airhorn under Anti's favorite chair, Natemare was going to put mayonnaise in a bunch of Oreos, and I was going to fill Y/n's room with pictures of themself. We all scattered, and started preparing.

I had finally finished Y/n's room. I was really thirsty, and I came out to get a cup for water. I found every single cup like this, with a note beside it.

 I found every single cup like this, with a note beside it

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I grimaced, but had to smile at their ingenuity. Natemare came in with a pack of Oreos - the pack that he had just made. He set them on the counter and grinned. Suddenly, a can was thrown into the room. Nice-smelling spray spewed everywhere in the kitchen. I stumbled back and knocked over the water cups, spilling everywhere. In the doorway, Anti and Y/n high fived each other and then ran. Natemare coughed and kicked the can away. Zip-ties and Febreze. Nice. I heard a loud airhorn from the other room. Anti had sat in his chair. I ran in to laugh at him, but when I pushed the door open, there was a loud HOOOOOOOOOOOOONK! He had booby-trapped the door!! I shook my head.

"Well played." I said. Anti snickered. "Alright... I think that's all of our pranks. It's dinner time. What are we having?"

"Call for pizza." Anti advised. I nodded. Okay. I went to the kitchen and reached for the phone. My hand met cardboard. I stared at it. Written in blue marker was a note that said 'Go look at your computer.' I ran to my room. Bill was in there, and he pointed at my desk. Instead of my laptop, there was a bunch of cardboard that was cleverly shaped like my technology. Bill started laughing his butt off when he saw my face.

"Alright, alright fine. I need a phone though. I'm calling out for pizza." I told him.

He held a phone to his ear. "Is this pizza?"

"No, this is a telephone."

"I beg to differ!" The phone became a pizza box. We took it downstairs and ate dinner. Natemare pulled out his pranked package of Oreos and gave everyone some. We who knew about the prank were careful not to eat them. Y/n's expression was priceless. Anti threw his at me. Dr. Schneeplestein, who had joined late, refused to eat it, so the prank was wasted on him. Bill hissed when he tasted the mayo. I lost it. It was too funny. Natemare was laughing just as hard as me. Y/n stormed out of the room, embarrassed by their reaction and trying not to laugh as well. I heard a squeal. We all ran up the stairs, into her room. She was laughing so hard. All of the pictures that I had put up were the ones of her making silly faces. In the end, we all had a great time.

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