Message Man

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You find yourself awake at 10:27, with Meg in your face.

"Are you awake yet?" She asks, whispering really loudly.

"I am now," you say, getting up and rubbing your eyes. "Why?"

"You got a message on Twitter. I looked at it since you were sleeping. And it was... you just gotta come see this!" She was over excited about a message. What could it even be? You didn't know, but all you knew was that you were super tired. What did you even do yesterday? Your voice was slightly raspy. It usually isn't. This is a first. She shoves the laptop into your hands. She had a huge smile on her face and was waiting for you to log back in. As you did, you saw that you had a notification. You click to see what it was. It was a message. You open your inbox and there were two messages that read:

"Hey ☺"

"Hope this isn't weird for you..."

Once you saw who it was from, you remembered what you did yesterday. But you didn't remember giving him you Twitter. This was amazing! You had to show (f/n)!


"OH MY GOD! THE ONE AND ONLY JOSH DUN MESSAGED YOU!" (f/n) screamed, jumping up and down. You were super excited too. You both jumped and had the hugest smiles on your faces.

"What are you going to say?" She said, breaking the excitement.

"Oh crap. I don't know." You went back to the island with your laptop. You started to type something.

"How about, 'Oh hey, nah your good' " You said.

"Hm. I think that's too casual."

"Right." You deleted what you wrote. "How about, 'Hello, no this is not weird.' "

"Hm. Sounds a little too modern. Maybe try friendly, but not too friendly. He is famous you know. Besides, it's just a message."

"I'm nervous, give me a break." You deleted that part too. "How about, 'Hey! No your fine. Nice to talk to you again☺' "

"Hm. That sounds good," she smiled. You could see her excitement just waiting to burst out again. You sent the message and the more seconds that would pass, the more nervous you got. Soon, the seconds turned into minutes. And before you knew it, it had been almost 10 minutes before he responded. Your nervousness turned into disappointment. Maybe it was meant for someone else?

"Don't worry," (f/n) said, breaking my thoughts. "He is famous, maybe he has...famous things to do. We have no idea what famous people do."

"True. But we've always wanted to find out first hand." you said smiling to her.

"Oh! That reminds me! It's time to post our weekly video!"

"oh yeah!" Every week, you and (f/n) shoot a music video for a song you wrote to sing. (f/n) is great at photographing and videoing. She's a pro!

"Do you have your song with you?"

"Not with me, but I have it memorized! I have the music for it with me though," you pulled out your phone to get to the music. You used an app called Music Maker Jam. It works great! You can make your own songs with it. The song you wrote was called Run away. One of your favorite songs you wrote. You had the music pulled up. All (f/n) had to do, was press play when she was ready to record.

"Go ahead and get an outfit on, I gotta clean the lenses. I have no idea how they got dirty." You chuckle and leave for upstairs. Since (f/n) was the only one living here, she turned one bedroom into your 'dressing room', so she calls it. She said it was all yours. The door even had a star on it with your name written in it. You went in and closed the door behind you. There was a table with a nice mirror over it. The mirror had those little lights around it like a real dressing room. There was a walk in closet in the room too. You still remember when you both went shopping for all these. Her parents were extremely wealthy, so each month they would send her a big check. You don't know how much, she never told you. You went to the mall one day and started picking out cute outfits that celebrities might wear in their music videos. Including make up,  jewelry, and shoes. The left side of the closet was strictly tops, the right was all bottoms, and the side straight in front of you was all dresses. The whole floor underneath the clothing was full of shoes. They were neatly put. Since this song was about running away out in the forest, you decided to look for jeans first. You found a cute pair that were made with holes. Not too many, but enough that they still looked good. You decided to find a cute black tank top with a nice red flannel. You found a cute burgundy beanie, and nice white converse.

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