Taxi Cab

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"Wake up!" I was shaken awake by Aurora. The car was stopped. I sat up and rubbed my eyes.
"Where are we?" I asked. "Is it my turn?" We were on our way to Washington, where Tyler and Josh were. On the way, Aurora and I had traded spots a few times. When she could barely keep her eyes open, I would take my turn to drive. Somehow, we made it just fine.
"Nope," she chuckled. She could barely contain her smile. I started to laugh at her face. She looked like she was about to explode. "But you have to get out."
"Get out?" I question. In the back of my mind, I thought she was going to leave me in the middle of nowhere, But I knew she wouldn't do that. The sun was shinning bright outside. The clock on the car read 9:30. No wonder I was still tired. That, and having to take driving shifts every 3 hours.
"Just do it," She pleaded. I sighed and opened my door. I stepped out and closed my door. Aurora rolled down the window.
"Now why am I out here again?" I said. I ran a hand through my messy hair. Messy hair, don't care. That was my motto for today. Unless Josh shows up. Then its, "Messy hair, ya better fix it fast!"
"Because of this," she said. Right after she finished, I was picked up and spun around. I gasped in fright. I couldn't see who it was. My mind didn't bother to process, so I couldn't even guess. As soon as I was put down, I looked to see who had grasped me. I turn to see Josh's smiling face. I smile back and we all three laugh. Then when I catch my breath, I turn to Aurora.
"We went the whole 17 hours already?" Aurora shrugged.
"It felt shorter, but yeah." She smiled and so did I. I turn back to Josh.
"So," I started with a smirk. I crossed my arms. "How long do I have to put up with you?" Josh chuckled.
"We go home in about 2 or 3 weeks I think." His smile made me smile immediately.
"I can live with that," I chuckled. Honestly, I was hoping it would be longer, but 2 or 3 weeks was still a great length. It was longer than any other times we had spent together. Josh kissed my forehead.
"So can I," he smiled his smile that made me melt every time. Aurora cleared her throat. We looked back at her. She was already out of the car and had my duffel bag in hand.
"I'll tell the college you are on an educational trip fro about 3 weeks." She smiled. I could tell she didn't want me to go. I hugged her. She hugged back with a tight grasp.
"Thanks," I say. "for everything." I smile.
"No problem! Anything to keep you love birds going! And to make sure I'm a brides maid!" We all laugh. Aurora gets back in the car and gets ready to go.
"Text or call me as soon as you get home," I say. "I wanna make sure you get home safe. Its a far distance."
"Okay, I will mom," I chuckle at this. Usually I would laugh, but it reminded me of my mom. I hoped she was okay. Aurora looked back up at me. My eyes were fixed on the car door. She gave me an apologetic look. I shake my head and smile. It was okay. I knew she didn't mean to. We all say our goodbyes, and Aurora leaves. I hope she can make it the whole 17 hours. I turn to Josh.
"So what are we doing first?" I ask with a small smile.
"Well," he starts. He looks up at the hotel which I didn't notice we were in front of. I assumed the room he was looking at was his room. "First, we gotta get Tyler up. He hates mornings," I laughed. I didn't like mornings either. Which, come to think of it,
"Don't you hate mornings too?" I ask. I knew he did.
"Oh, yeah." he chuckled. "But its worth getting up so early to see you," I blushed. I thought the same about him. I smiled at him. It was all I could do. My mouth wouldn't make words. Josh lets out a small chuckle and takes my hand. We head into the building and into a small elevator. No one else was on except for us. I squeezed Josh's hand. I had forgotten I was afraid of elevators. When the elevator started to move up, I gasped. I held onto one of the rails that was beside me. Josh looked concerned.
"Are you alright?" he said. Ice replaced the blood in my veins. I gulped and shook my head.
"Whats wrong?" he says. He faced his body towards mine.
"I-I forgot I'm terrified of elevators," I stuttered. My voice was shaky like my body. Josh pulled my closer to him. I was up against his warm body now. I laid my head on his chest.
"You'll be okay," he said. His arms around me. "I wont let anything happen to you," he says. He sounded serious. Something as silly as my fear of elevators, and he doesn't even chuckle. Most people would. Aurora probably would, but shes your friend. That was something friends did. It didnt bother me when my friends laughed at my fears, but if Josh had laughed, I don't know what I would have thought. As the elevator comes to a stop, I clench Josh's shirt. He holds onto me tighter. I sprint out of the elevator as soon as the large metal doors open. Josh chuckles at my sprinting. I did too. That was something I didn't expect to do. My body still shook, but it quickly settled. Josh had his arm around me and we walked to their room. Josh pulled out his room key and unlocked the door. When we walked in, his arm was still wrapped around me. We saw Tyler still asleep in the bed near the window. His blankets were everywhere, except on his body. His head was under his pillow. I tried to hold back my laugh. I could tell Josh was having a hard time with this too. The room door closed and Tyler stirred. I looked over at Josh's bed. It was a mess too. Did they really move around that much in their sleep?
"Tyler," Josh says. he releases his hold on me and walks to the bed. He leaned down to the pillow. "Are you dead?" Josh's contained laugh was let loose at his question. Mine was revealed along with Josh's. Tyler removed the pillow and slowly sat up.
"Its alive," I say, trying not to laugh. Josh looks at me and laughs. I do too. I walked over to where Josh now stood. He was at the foot of the bed. Tyler wore black sweatpants and no shirt or socks. His tattoos revealed to you. I never realized how many he had. I wondered if it hurt when he got them?
"Oh," Tyler jumped when he saw me. "I didn't know you were here already," he chuckled and hid his body with the cover. I laugh.
"It bothers you when I'm here," I say. "But your fine when its a huge crowd?" We all laugh.
"Good point," Tyler said, tossing the cover behind him. I laugh once again. Tyler gets up and goes towards his suitcase. I assumed he was going to get ready. Josh was all ready to go. His suitcase was at the foot of the bed with my duffel bag.
"Wanna help me make the bed?" Josh offers.
"Sure," I say. We walked over to Josh's bed and fixed the sheet. As I helped him fix the bed, I realized how our bodies moved as one. We worked perfectly in sync. It was a little creepy at first, but then it became cute. When Josh's bed was done, we moved on to Tyler's bed, since he was in the bathroom getting ready for the day. It took a little longer to fix Tyler's bed, since he practically destroyed it. I laughed to myself. We finally get it done, and Tyler comes out of the bathroom.
"I think I better freshen up," I say, gesturing to my hair. Josh chuckles.
"Its cute like that, but okay," he smiles. I chuckle and grab my brush out from my duffel bag. I take my brush and make up bag (which was small) and head to the bathroom. I closed the door and looked in the mirror. My hair was a mess. How Josh thought it was cute, I don't know. Somehow, my make up was fine. Pleased with this, I take my brush and brush through my messy hair. I could hear Josh and Tyler talking. I didn't pay much attention to it until I heard my name brought up.
"Like, why can't I look that good when I wake up?" Tyler's voice laughed. I moved closer to the door.
"She is beautiful, isn't she?" Josh said. I smiled, and continued to brush through my hair.
"I guess you and Kate are going to share a bed at the hotel tonight?" Tyler said. My heart skipped a beat. I hadn't thought about that.
"Yeah, if she wants to that is."
"Yeah. You never know, maybe she wants to share a bed with me," Tyler joked. He chuckled and so did Josh.
"Wonder what Jenna would say about that?" Josh laughed.
"I'd probably be sleeping on the couch," Tyler laughed. I chuckled and finished my hair. I decided to keep it down, but bobby pin my long bangs in the back.
Cute, I thought to myself. Lets just hope it stays this time. I grab my belongings and leave the bathroom.
"You took less time to fix your hair than Tyler did getting ready, and your a girl!" Tyler looked at Josh and laughed. He had just gotten his suitcase zipped up.
"Whats that supposed to mean?" I chuckle. "I am offended!" I put my things in my duffel bag and look up to see Josh enclosing me into a hug.
"I'm sorry, baby." he says. He kissed me on the forehead and I chuckle. I hug him too. His warm body warmed mine.
"Group hug!" Tyler shouts. He runs to us and wraps his arms around us until Josh loses his balance. Josh and I fell on the bed. Josh fell on his back and I was on top of him. My hand on his chest and my other on his shoulder. Josh's hands her still around my waist. We just look at each other and laugh. Tyler does too.
"Group pile it is then," he chuckled and plops into Josh and I. We laugh for a moment until we hear a knock. We all look at the door and hear it again.
"I got it," Tyler said. He got off of us and headed towards the door. He looked through the peep hole.
"It's the driver,. He mouthed. Josh and I immediately get up before Tyler opens the door. A part of me didn't want to get up. I wanted to stay. I knew I couldn't, though.
"Im ready when you all are. I just wanted to make sure you all were up." the driver's gaze shifted to me.
"Who is this?" he asked. Tyler looked at me. Josh put his arm around my waist again.
"This is my girlfriend, Kate," he said without hesitation. "She came to spent the rest of the trip with us."
"Did she just come this morning?" Josh nodded. The driver nodded in understanding. I smiled at the driver. He smiled back.
"Well, I'm off to get the bus started. Come whenever your ready." he said. He left and Tyler closed the door.
"Guess we should be going," Tyler said. We nodded and grabbed our bags. As we headed out the door, Tyler directed is to the elevator.
"It's this way, I think," he said. I froze. Josh stopped too.
"Uh, I think Kate and I are gonna take the stairs," he says. Tyler gives us a confused look.
"Why?" Josh looked at me. I nodded as to give him permission to tell him.
"Kate is...afraid of elevators," I look down at my shoes. I didn't mind him telling Tyler, but I was embarrassed of my fear. Tyler seemed to understand.
"Oh, okay." he says. He comes with us to the stairs. It was only a few floors. When we reached the bottom, the bus was all ready to go. I could see the driver reading something. Maybe a book? I walk out the door and follow Tyler and Josh. They knew what they were doing, and I didn't. I follow them into the bus into a room with four beds.
"You can sit your bag on one of the beds," Josh said.
"Yeah, I think were going to another hotel tonight." I nodded and sat my bag on the bottom bunk on the left side of the room.
"Im going to park at a truck stop and you guys can walk around wherever you want to go. Check in at the hotel is at 8:00 tonight, so you will need to try to be back at around 7:00. Since this hotel is an hour away." The driver spoke from behind his book. He sat the book inside the glove compartment.
"Alright," Tyler answered. I wondered,
"Did you guys spend time in Washington yesterday?" I ask.
"Nope, we had left for this trip really early yesterday. We hadnt spent time anywhere yet." Josh says.
"Oh, so I didn't miss much?" I chuckle. Knowing Josh and Tyler, I'm sure I missed some good laughs.
"Well the only thing you missed," Tyler spoke. "Was when Josh tried to do a back-flip off the couch," Tyler laughed. Josh was laughing too. He headed to the couch to sit down. I folowed him. Tyler was already on the couch. When I sit next to Josh, he puts his arm around my shoulders and pulls me closer. The bus starts to move.
"Were you okay?" I chuckled.
"Well, I barely made it, but yeah," Josh laughed.
"I don't know what I would have done if Josh had died," Tyler smiled. I looked at Josh and smiled too.
"Me either," I said. Josh hugged me. I rested my head on his chest. I really don't know what I would have done if he for hurt.
"I don't now what I would do without you either," Josh smiled down at me.
"Don't forget about-bout-bout-bout-bout me," Tyler sang. Josh slung his other arm around Tyler too.
"Or you," he laughed. Tyler laughed.
"So," Tyler said, as soon as Josh released his grip.
"When you guys get married, will I technically be Kate's brother in law, since we are so close?" my heart skipped a beat when he said that. The marrage part.
"Hm," Josh said. "We are close like brothers, so I guess we could call you a brother in law. Although you would be a brother to me," Josh smiled. Tyler did too.
"I've always wanted a brother," I chuckled. Tyler came around and hugged me.
"Now I'll have a second sister," he said. We laughed. Tyler sat back down and we chatted about what we would see and do. Tyler and Josh had been to Washington once for a concert, but I have never been. I was curious to see what we would do. Even more curious to see how the rest of the week would go.
Hey guys! Hope you liked this chapter! Sorry it was short XD the next one will be better. Of you have suggestions then please comment them! Also, if you know a state where they should go to, please tell me! They have 2 more weeks and this one, so please comment a state they should go to! Maybe they will go to yours! :D I may even add you in the story! Only if you comment your state! The first 5 people to comment will be put in the story! :D if you are one of the lucky 5, I will reply to your comment and ask you your name and a few questions! Please don't be freaked out by them lol it's just for my story :) thanks! Love you all!<3💕😋

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