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you chuckled to yourself as you watched a small, white rabbit hop across your yard from the living room window. He stopped to look at you, then ran off as fast as you had seen him. you turned to walk to the kitchen.
"Ah," you said in surprise. you stopped in the kitchen doorway.
"Are you alright?" a voice asked. Josh walked to you. you smiled.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a kick." Josh smiled and layed his hands on your belly. you layed yours on top of his. He kissed you.
"Have we thought of a name yet?" He asked. you thought for a bit. you had found out the baby was going to be a boy at your last doctors apointment. Since then, you was wanting to name him after someone you loved very much, but there was one problem with that.
"What about," you started. "Joshler?" Josh chuckled and smiled his sweet smile.
"I love it," he said. He leaned his forehead to touch yours. you loved Josh and Tyler, both very much. They had changed your life for the better. you wouldn't be here without them. you was so excited to start a family with Josh. It had just been a year since you had gotten married. Everything since then, had been everything you dreamed.
The new album was released, and everyone loved it, just like you knew they would. you had lost a few fans due to the hiatus,  but their true fans never left. Tyler and Jenna had thought about starting a family too, but they aren't sure right now. Jenna and you had gotten to be very close. you were almost as close as Josh and Tyler. (f/n) had been proposed to by Jason, and she said yes. Their wedding would be in two months. She had asked you to be the bridesmaid. She invited tyler, Josh, and even Jenna to the wedding. They said they would be happy to go. Meg got a boyfriend last month, and all is going well. She got the job she had always wanted. you had finally gotten a chance to talk to Sebastian before Josh And you got married, and you had figured things out. you are still great friends, and Now, he has a beautiful girlfriend who he loves very much. you are super happy for him. And as for you, you had become a celebrity, becoming well known. you was on a hiatus of your own though, so you could be with your baby. Everything was going so well for everyone, it made you happy to see them happy.  Josh and you jumped at a knock on the door. you walked to the door to see who it was.
"Hey!" you was greeted with a big smile.
"(f/n)!" you said, surprised. She looked at your belly and had an even bigger smile.
"Oh my God! (y/n)!" she looked up at Josh, then at you. "Your pregnant?" you smiled and placed a hand on your belly.
"Yeah," you said. Josh came behind you and placed his hands around you.
"Awe!" she said. "Is it a boy or a girl?"
"Its a boy," Josh and you smiled. "Oh, come on in," you said. you moved aside so (f/n) could come in.
"You fixed up your old house?" she asked as she walked in. She looked around, taking in memories.
"Yeah. It took longer, since the storm really took a tole on this house." (f/n) looked happy, yet sad at the same time.
"We had lots of memories here," she said. you smiled and placed a hand on her shoulder.
"We did."
"Its good you didn't just let it go." she said. She hugged you. you were surprised by another knock at the door. Josh opened the door to see Tyler and Jenna, both with big smiles.
"Hey!" Tyler greeted. you smiled at the sight of two of your friends. Although, you liked to call Tyler your brother in law and Jenna your sister in law, since Tyler and Josh were close like brothers. Tyler and Jenna came in and you all had a great time, catching up with each other. Even though you last saw each other last week.
Between all your laughs and stories, you had remembered when you had first met them at that first concert. you would never had met them if you had never went to that concert. youre so glad you did. That concert changed everything. Meeting the boys had changed your life. Now you can start a family of your own, and be with the people that you love. With the people who you've looked up to for so long. Now, one of them is your husband, and the other, one of your best friends. What would you do without all these people in your life? This was all you had wanted when you was little. your dream job, a husband who you loved very much, a child of your own, and great friends who loved and supported you. you'll be holding onto them, as they'll be holding onto you.


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