A Car A Torch A Death

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When you got out of the car, you thanked Tyler for the ride. That was all you said. As you got out, Tyler got out and gave you a hug before you went into the house. He said sorry again. That only made you want to cry more. you hugged him tighter and burried your face in his chest. He hugged you tighter too. He knew how much pain you were in. you couldn't hold the tears back anymore. When you started to cry harder, Tyler rubbed your back.
"Its really not what you think, they really are cousins," he said.
"I just dont know whether to believe it or not." you croaked. He then pulled away and firmly put his hands on your shoulders. He looked you in the eyes.
"(y/n)," he said firmly. "I can tell, you really like Josh," He paused. you blushed. you looked down at your feet. "Don't you?" he asked. you looked up at him. Then to the side.
"Yes. I really do,"
"Then why Wouldn't you believe him When he tells you something?" you never thought of this. you didnt know what to think.
"I...I Don't know." The tears flowed slower. "Its just... I like him, and I highly doubt he likes me... So seeing him with another girl...stings," you said between tears. Tyler looked down. He looked like he was hiding something.
"Well," he started. "Don't tell Josh I told you, but..." he trailed off.
"Nevermind. Look, just trust me when I say, he wouldnt want to hurt you. That really was his cousin."
"Wait...what Were you going to say?"
"What do you mean?"
"Earlier. You said not to tell Josh something. What was it?"
"Oh, um...well...You see...Josh Um..." you just stared, hopeing he would finish his sentence soon.
"Okay, he...has a crush on you. He really likes you. " your heart started to pound and your face was red.
"Really? Your not joking?"
"I'm dead serious," he smiled. A smile almost came across your face. The tears stopped
"Then why hasnt he said anything?" you ask.
"Well, like you, He doesnt know if you like him. Hes afraid you dont like him and hes going to embarrass himself."
"Well...I dont know how to tell him..."
"I can tell him if you want me to,"
"No, its okay. I want to tell him myself. That way he knows for sure."
"Good idea. Ill see if I can bribe Josh into hanging out with you tonight. Maybe you can tell him Then."
"That's a good idea. Thanks, Tyler," you smiled.
"No problem, Kate," he smiled too. you said your goodbyes, and Tyler drove off. you went into the dorm and went straight to the bathroom. you had to wash your face before anyone saw you were crying. If anything, you were jumping for absolute joy. Josh liked you! And you liked him! Maybe all of this was meant to be. Come on, (y/n). Stop being so cliche! In the real world, things arent "meant to be". Its all coincidental. you told yourself. you just couldn't shake the feeling that Josh and you were supposed to be together. Once your face was tear free, you went to relax on your bed. you tossed your school bag to the side, and grabbed your laptop. you hadn't been on it for some time. you kicked off your shoes and lied down on the covers. you opened your laptop to see that your Twitter page was still up. you checked to see if you had any messages. your inbox was empty. Then you heard a song starting.
"Fast food, greesy, taco I love," It sang. you quickly grabbed your phone from your pocket and looked at the caller ID. It was Josh. you nearly freaked. you sat up and answered.
"Hey," you said nonchalantly.
"Hey, um. In sorry about earlier.." he started. That was something you really didnt want to think about.
"Its okay. I believe you. I, uh, completely over reacted...Im the one who should be apologizing."
"No, its not your fault," he said. He was too sweet.
"Well its not yours either," you said. you didnt want him to take the blame. It wasnt his fault.
"It partially is," he trailed off.
"What do you mean? You didnt know your cousin would be there."
"Well...Ill explain later. Um...I called to ask, if you would want to hang out tonight? Partly as an apology for earlier..."
"Its fine, no need for an apology. But yeah, Id love to hang out with you," He couldn't tell, but you were smiling. you were still nervous to tell him that you liked him. Hopefully you would be brave enough when the time comes.
"Great, Ill come by around 8. If Thats okay with you," He said.
"Its great," you smiled. you talked a little while longer, and hung up. you were too excited for this. Meg was still with her boy toy, so she wouldnt know where you were. you went to your closet to pick out an outfit. It was only 7:00. you had an hour. For you, that was barely enough time. you found a cute, black off-shoulder top with dark blue skinny jeans. you decided to wear your black flats over my heals, since you didnt know what you were doing. you added a white, dangly-bead bracelet and a white heart necklace. you had about 30 minutes left after getting dressed. you quickly went to the bathroom and pulled out your make up box. you brushed on your foundation and applied your tan eyeshadow. Next, you put on mascara and blush. you looked through your collection of lipstick for a good color. you spotted a good nude color. It was about the same shade as your eyeshadow.  When you looked in the mirror for a check, you noticed your hair was a mess. Gasping, you quickly take it down from a messy bun and brush through it. After it was fully brushed out, it was still wavy. you decided to do a side part and keep the waves. It looked pretty. It didnt look that well with your outfit, and you reasoned that a bun would look better. you quickly made your messy bun again and it looked good. you used your hairspray to get rid of fly aways around the bun. you Did a small spritz on the bun so it would stay. you looked at your phone to check the time. you had three minutes to leave the dorm and meet Josh. you stuffed your phone into your pocket and left the bathroom. you took a deep breath before you walked out the door. With your hand grasping the handle, you reminded yourself to be brave. You can do this. Just tell him. He likes you, so obviously hes going to say yes. With that, you opened the door, and stepped out.

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