Oh, Mrs. Believer

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"(y/n)!" a voice said. "(y/n)!"
It was a call for help. you was in a dark forest, where the trees had no leaves. It was like winter, but without snow and the cold. The air was crisp and bitter. you could barely see. The cry for help echoed through the forest. you looked around frantically. Hoping you could find who was crying for help.
"(y/n)! Help me!" it said again. you ran through the forest to find a figure on a tree. A noose connected from a tall branch of a tree, to the neck of a small girl.
"(y/n)!" she cried. you ran as fast as you could to her. When you reached her, the noose broke and the girl fell to the ground. She was crying. you helped her up.
"Are you okay? What happened?" you asked. She looked at you with tears in her eyes.
"(y/n)," she said. your eyes were wide when you saw who it was. Before you could say anything, the girl was gone. She disappeared. The noose was left on the ground. Suddenly, you heard a crackling noise. There was an Orange-red glow coming from behind you. you turned to see the hotel you stayed in.
"Alexis!" you screamed. you ran to the hotel to try to save your sister. As you came close, the building exploded, throwing you back.
"Alexis!" you screamed again. you couldn't breathe. It was as of you was being suffocated. A girl that looked like the girl from the well stood in front of you. you couldn't breathe.
"I'm gone now,"
you jolted up with a loss of breath. Tears in your eyes. you was breathing rapidly. your Heart racing. you was terrified.
"No," you whispered. you looked around the room. you were in a hotel room. It was built in replacement of the one that burned. Tyler and Josh didn't know that, and you didnt tell them. Josh was in the bed beside you. Sound asleep. you looked at the clock with teary eyes. It was 4:05. you shook your head and got out of bed quietly. When your feet hit the floor, you looked to make sure Tyler and Josh were still asleep. They were. you grabbed your phone, earbuds, hoodie, and one key card. you slipped on your boots and hoodie. you quietly opened the door to leave. you closed the door slowly and quietly to not wake them up. Once the door was closed, you walked down the hallway to the stairs. On the way, you heard a voice say your name. you didn't stop. you walked down the stairs to hear the voice again. you ignored it. you reached the door for the guests to use so you wouldn't have to go to the lobby. you used your key card to open it. you closed it quietly like you did with the room door. you plugged in your  earbuds to your phone and debated on what song to play. When you found the right one, you heard a voice.
"(y/n)!" you turned to see Josh. He had a white T-shirt on and kept his sweatpants. He walked towards you. you walked to him.
"Did you have that dream?" he asked quietly. you looked down.
"Yeah," you said. "This one was worse than the others..." Josh put his arm around you.
"To the park?" He suggested. you chuckled and nodded. you stuffed your earbuds and phone into your hoodie pocket. you walked to the park where you liked to clear your thoughts. It wasn't too far.
"So, what made this dream worse than the others?" Josh asked. you stared at the road you were crossing to get the the park entrance.
"Well, the other ones only lasted a few seconds. Usually they are just a shadow saying something like my name in Alexis's voice or 'you never knew' or something. But this one was like a horror story.." you said softly.
"How so?" Josh asked, taking your hand. you thought back to the dream.
"I was in a Forest, and I heard someone calling my name. Crying for help. I ran to see a girl hanging from a noose. When I reached her, the noose broke and she fell to the ground. When I helped her up and asked if she was okay, she said My name. I knew who it was. Then She disappeared. I saw an Orange-red glow coming from behind me. I turned to see the hotel on fire. I ran and screamed Alexis's name. The hotel exploded and I screamed again. Then all of a sudden I couldn't breathe. I felt like I was suffocating. Then I saw a girl who looked like the girl from the well standing in front of me. Then She said 'I'm gone now' and I woke up."
"Oh my gosh.." he said. He squeezed my hand. "I'm so sorry, (y/n),"
"Its fine," you said. you finally reached the park and started to walk down the small, gravel path. After a moment, Josh looked up.
"The moon is beautiful isn't it?" you looked up to see the moon, big and silver. Its glow was lighting up the park.
"It is," you smiled. Josh looked around.
"Hey, lets go to that hill. I bet we could get a good view there." he said. He pointed to a tall hill. you smiled.
"I used to sit there in the afternoons on the weekend's to write. It has a great view. I just haven't seen it at night, though." you said. you started to walk towards the hill. you was the first to the top. you chuckled as you saw Josh almost up. you had quite a bit of practice climbing this hill. When Josh finally reached the top, he put his arm around you and looked around.
"It really is a beautiful view," he said. you looked around with him.
"Yeah," you smiled. you lied down in the middle of the hill to look at the stars.
"Just think," you said after a moment. "There could be aliens out there, watching the stars like us." Josh chuckled and held you hand. you scooted closer.
"Yeah. Wonder if they have ever looked for us like we've looked for them?"
"Maybe they have and we just don't know it." you said.
"True," he chuckled. you gazed at the stars for what felt like hours, but you never got tired of being with each other. Josh looked at you. you looked at him.
"I love you, (y/n)," he smiled.
"I love you, too," you smiled. Josh kissed your forehead. you gazed into each others eyes for a while.
"What's Tyler gonna think when he realizes were gone?"
"He's a heavy sleeper. He wouldn't wake up this early." he chuckled. "But if he did, he would probably give you a pregnancy test," you laughed. He has said before for you to not do anything.
"(f/n) would probably kill me if we actualy did anything." Josh laughed.
"She really looks out for you, huh?"
"She does," you smiled. She was like a sister to you. you was thankful to have her. All of a sudden, you saw a something fly over the hill, and glide around the park. Josh and you stood up to see what it was.
"Its a dove," Josh said. you smiled.
"Awe. But what is it doing here this early?"
"Not sure. But it's really beautiful flying in the moonlight," he smiled. He looked at you. "Like you," you looked at him and smiled.
He held both your hands. He looked into your eyes and you looked into his.
"I love you, (y/n). Ever since I've met you, you've brightened up my world. The day I met you, I knew something amazing was bound to happen. We've had our ups and downs, but I could never imagine a life without you." you smiled.
"I love you too," you said. "I'm glad I have you." Josh smiled and released your hands.
"(y/n)?" he asked.
"Yes?" He pulled something from his pocket and knelt down on one knee. your Heart raced. you did that small, cliche gasp that you always see in movies. He held open a small, black jewelery box and looked into your eyes.
"Will you marry me?" you couldn't believe he was asking you this. you loved him. you know this was what you wanted. you felt it in your heart.
"Yes!" you said. Josh smiled and slipped the ring on your finger. He stood up and kissed you. you kissed him back.  your Heart raced. Knowing that you would be sharing your life with Josh, made all the pain you felt go away. you loved Josh. He was the man you wanted. you pulled away with smiles.
"I love you, Josh," you said. Josh had his hands around your waist. you had your arms around his neck.
"I love you, too. Now I can call you my fiance," he smiled. you smiled too. He kissed you again. His soft, sweet lips. you loved being with Josh. you knew he was the man you wanted to spend the rest of your life with. The man you would want to one day start a family with. you slowly pulled away after a moment.
"Should we go back to the hotel, or would you rather stay here?" Josh smiled. you chuckled.
"It doesn't matter where, as long as I'm with you." you smiled. Josh chuckled and kissed your forehead.
"What did I do to deserve you?" he smiled. you rested your head on his chest.
"How should we tell Tyler?" Josh asked.
"I didn't really think of that," you said. you lifted your head to look up at him.
"Maybe we could just tell him straight forward." Josh suggested. you thought about some romance movies you've watched before. you remembered how telling the person straight forward never really worked out too well.
"Maybe we could kind of hint at it." you said. Josh looked interested.
"How so?"
"Maybe we could try to have one on one time with Tyler, asking how he feels about our relationship. Maybe even asks what he thinks about the future. Once we know what he thinks, we can go from there." you felt dumb, smart, and cliche at the same time.
"I like the way you think," he smirked. He kissed your forehead and you decided to go back to the hotel. After almost falling while walking down the hill, Josh looked at the cluster of trees, then back at you.
"Are you feeling better? About the dreams?" you looked up at him.
"Yeah," you smiled. Josh smiled back.
"Good," he said. you walked back to the hotel, and quietly entered.
"Its so quiet at night," you said as you headed up the stairs.
"Yeah. Its kind of scary, really. Were so used to noise, it's kind of  awkward when it's silent." when you reached your room, you quietly opened the door. Tyler was still asleep. His head under the pillow again. you smiled in silent laughter.
"How does Jenna deal with this?" you whisper.
"I have no idea," Josh chuckled quietly. you took off your hoodie and put your phone on charge with your earbuds beside it. Josh removed his shirt. Claiming he slept better without. Not that you was complaining. When you got ready to go back to bed, you snuggled close. Josh's arm around you.
"I love you," Josh whispered.
"I love you, too," you smiled. Josh kissed you again. you must have been pretty tired, because right after Josh kissed your forehead, you drifted off to sleep. The nightmares didn't bother you anymore that night.

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