Isle of Flightless Birds

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you could barely sleep last night with Josh on your mind. He asked why you couldn't sleep when you texted him last night. you didnt tell him that he was on your mind, but you Did let him know you were thinking of him. Well, the time you spent together. you smiled when he said He was thinking about that night too. you wondered if you were on his mind like he was on yours? It was about 10:46 when you woke up. you had school today. As you groaned about school, you got out of bed and found your outfit. you felt lazy today so you just threw on black capris and a gray Twenty One Pilots sweat shirt that (f/n) left when she came to find you. youll give it back later. you threw your hair into a messy bun and washed your face. After brushing your teeth and putting on your white converse, you got a call. you went to answer your phone. It was Tyler.
"Hey," you greeted.
"Hey," he said.
"What are you doing up so early?" you yawned.
"Its only 10:50," he chuckled.
"Well its early for me," you laughed.
"Then why are you up so early?"
"School," you said, annoyed at the thought.
"Oh, yeah. I forgot you were in collage." you chuckled.
"Well, I was wondering," he continued.   "Would you want to hang out today?"  you thought this was strange, but cool. you never really spend much time together, so maybe thats why he asked.
"Sure, I'd love to. After school though," you chuckled.
"Yeah. When do you get out?"
"Well I only have 4 classes today. I should be out around 1:45"
"Okay, sounds good. Ill swing by around 2," he said.
"Okay, Ill see you then,"
"Alright, see ya," he said.
"Bye," you said. you hung up and grabbed your school bag. Before you could leave, you heard Meg.
"Where you going this early?"
"Class?" you said. She looked confused. They she started to laugh.
"What?" you said confused.
"They cancelled classes this week because of a sewage pipe leak. It burst right under the campus and now Theres sewage everywhere."
"So, no classes this week?"
"Nope," you smiled. No classes meant more time to sleep in and do whatever! you loved when school was cancelled.
"Well, I better get ready to go."
"Where are you going?" you asked her.
"In gonna surprise my boyfriend. Maybe he'll want to hang out today."
"Awe, you love birds," you cooed. She laughed and got out of bed. She went to the bathroom to get ready.
"Well Im gonna go too. Im hanging out with a friend."
"Okay, Ill see you later," she mumbled from the bathroom. you  sat your bag down on your bed. you wouldn't need it today. you grabbed your phone and slipped it into your sweatshirt pocket. Then you remembered you needed to call Tyler and tell him there was no school. you got out your phone and dialed his number. your phone started to ring and you put it up to your ear.
"Hey," you said. "So turns out school is cancelled this week."
"Cancelled for a week? What happened?"
"A sewage pipe burst on campus," you smiled.
"You sound happy about that," he chuckled.
"Well, yeah, no school!"
"This is your last year isnt it?"
"Yeah, it is."
"Well then after this year, you don't have to worry about it anymore."
"True," you laughed.
"So I guess I can swing by earlier then?"
"Yeah, if you want,"
"Okay, then, Im on my way, oh, by the way, wear something you can get wet in,"
"Get wet in?" you said, super confused.
"You'll see," he chuckled.
"Okay, fine. see you soon," you laughed. you hung up and went back to your closet. Something to get wet in, but still cute. you decided to go with a pair of denim shorts and black tank top. you decided against your spaghetti strap one. you just wore a no sleeve tank. you kept your converse. you walked out of the dorm and waited for him.
"Hey, (y/n)! Have you seen Meghan?" a voice said. you turned to see Bruce, Meghan's boyfriend.
"Hey!  yeah, shes in our dorm. She was just about to go See you," you chuckled.
"Well I was on my way to see her," he laughed. "I saw you, and figured she'd be around somewhere."
"She usually is," you chuckled.
"Well, Im gonna go surprise her. Thanks," he chuckled. you saw a rose in his hand. you dont know How you didnt notice that earlier.
"Good luck, bee charmer," you smirked. He laughed. you both knew that Meg loved bees. you dont know why, but she was inspired by the little insect. When he left for the dorm, you heard a car drive in. you look to see Tyler's car.  He rolled the window down and smiled.
"Hello, pretty lady, need a lift?" you laughed. you started walking towards his car When he got out. He walked to your side and opened the door for you.
"Thanks," you smiled.
"Just being a gentleman,"
"A screaming gentleman," you joked.
"The best kind," He smirked. you chuckled. He closed your door and got back in on his side.
"So Where are we going?"
"Were driving towards the morning, son, where all your blood is washed away and all you did will be undone," he smiled.
"And I thought I was the only one who made those puns," you laughed.
"Nah, Josh and I make them all the time. We made some last night, in fact."
"Really? What were they?"
"Well, neither of us could sleep so Josh asked me why I couldn't sleep. I said cause the dark's not taking prisoners tonight. Then he said I didnt want to be taken by Sleep." you laughed.
"Won't you go to someone else's dreams." you sang.
"Won't you go to someone else's head," Tyler sang with you as you drive to wherever you were going.
"Haven't you taken enough from me? Won't you torture someone else's sleep," you ended up singing all the way to the rap. Which, you rapped along to.
"I start to part two halves of my heart and I, dont know where I should but the tears and the tears begin to multiply," you stopped there, you didnt remember those words. When you got to the end of the rap, you rapped with him.
"Im screaming to an empty sky. Empty sky, no way, that's me cause the other half of my heart is free. Empty sky, no way, that's me cause the other half of my hearts asleep," you smiled and looked at each other. you smiled and turned your gaze back to the road. He did too. Finally, you get to a parking spot. you see some seagulls fly overhead.
"Where are we?" you say, turning to Tyler.
"You'll see, curious kitty," he laughed.
"Since when do you give Nick names?" you joked.
"Since I just thought of them," he laughed. you got out of the car and Tyler went to the back seat. He grabbed two towels. One black, and one red.
"Back to blurryface I see?" you said, gesturing to the colors.
"I didnt even notice that," he laughed. you laughed with him. He closed the door and turned to you.
"Shall we?" he said, offering his arm. you accepted the offer. you looked at him.
"Better not let Jenna catch you with me," you laughed.
"She wont be mad. Since I'm being a gentleman," he smirked. you smirked back and lightly slapped him. you laughed. When you got closer to your destination, you realized you were at the beach. The most cliche date. you thought to yourself. But this wasnt a date. you knew that. you would have killed for this if you were crushing on Tyler. 
"Hows this spot?" he asks.
"It looks great," you say. there were tide pools near your spot too, with an urchin, a starfish, and something else moving. you couldn't tell what it was so you squat down beside the pool of water. you look into the water, hoping to spot the figure. When the figure moved, you knew exactly what it was.
"A seahorse!" you shouted. Tyler jumped. you laughed at his reaction. He had just finished laying the towels on the sand, side by side.
"A seahorse?" he chuckled. He came over to where you were and squat down beside you.
"Right there, beside the urchin," you point out. He glances towards the direction you pointed in. He smiles.
"Awe, I see it! Its so much smaller than I thought itd be."
"Right? I always thought they were as big as a bass," you said."These are a lot smaller."
"Yeah. But small is adorable. Like you," Tyler laughed. you grimaced.
"I am not small," you laughed.
"Right, and Josh isnt a drummer," he said. you laughed at his sarcasm. you both got up and decided to go for a walk. There were only a few other people here. Not many. There were more seagulls than there were people. you were walking by the ocean, with Tyler by your side. you talked for a little while. your bare feet in the soft, wet sand. The sand squished in between your toes. you didnt mind it too much. Soon you came to a silence. Then, out of no where, Tyler speaks.
"Get ready,"
"For what?" you said, not following.
"For this!" he then, quickly, booty-bumped you and you fell into the water. you sit up to see Tyler laughing. you laugh too and pulled him in when he wasnt paying attention. you splashed each other a few times. Then you caught our breaths.
"What Josh wouldnt give to be here right now." Tyler said.
"Well, hey, there he is over there!" you pointed. Tyler's gaze goes in Josh's direction.
"Who's that girl?" you said, trying to hide your jealousy.
"Uh, (y/n), we should probably get going, its...getting late." you looked at the Sun. It was almost setting. you guess you had been here longer than you thought.
"Okay, Im just going to say hi to Josh real quick," you said, getting up and walking to Josh.
"Uh, (y/n)," Tyler started.
"It'll be real quick," you said. you started to jog towards Josh.
"Hey," you started. "Josh..." you froze. The girl hugged him and kissed his cheek. you didnt look at Josh's expression.  you stood there, shocked. Josh saw you and turned red.
"(y/n)! Uh, this is my cousin, Makayla," he said, letting go of her. Makayla let go too and waved. Her smile was big. your jealousy grew. And so did the crack in your heart.
"Cousin?" you said, disbelieving. "Then why did she just kiss you?" his face turned pink.
"Well, we havent seen each other in forever. She still treats me like a little kid," he chuckled.
"Just because your my little cuzzie!" Makela gave him a noogie, even though she was shorter than Josh. It was a struggle. Josh laughed.
"Im only 2 years younger than you," he said. you didnt believe him. you looked down. you started to walk to Tyler's car Before tears came rolling down my cheek.
"(y/n), wait," Josh started. you stopped and turned to him. I looked at him sincerely.
"Its time to pick your battle," you started. "And I promise you this is mine. I promise you," you said. you pulled that from Isle of Flightless Birds. Josh must have understood. He looked sad, like he regrets what happened.  With that, you turned and continued walking. Tears started to roll down. you got in the car and grabbed your phone. you put your phone in your back pocket. Somehow, your shorts were mostly dry. you looked in the rear view mirror. you could see Tyler and Josh talking. Makayla was there, her big smile turned into a frown, like she felt sorry. Tyler and Josh both looked the same. you couldn't tell what they were talking about. you saw Josh look towards the car a few times. you noticed Tyler gestured towards the car and looked at Josh. Josh looked at Tyler and shook his head. He looked down at his shoes. Josh walked away, continuing to look down. Makayla followed. Tyler stayed for a while, then he walked to the car. When he opened the door, He sat the towels in the back, and looked at you.
"Hey...are you okay?" He asked. He closed his door. He looked at you for a response.
"Lets just go," you say softly. you tried not to let him see your tears, but obviously, that didnt go well. Tyler started the car and backed out. When you started to drive back home, Tyler looked at you a few times. Then he spoke.
"Im sorry, (y/n). We didnt expect his cousin to be there. Josh was supposed to be coming to surprise you, for us all to hang out, but Makayla must have been here. When she saw Josh, she ran to him. Last they saw each other was when Josh was, like, 12." you didnt respond. you didnt believe it still. Josh is such an amazing guy, any girl would like him. you dont know How you were supposed to believe them. you guess you never would. No matter how much you love Josh. Its just hard to believe him with this. The thing you feared, finally came true. Seeing him with another girl.

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