Prove Me Wrong

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As soon as you stepped out of the dorm, you felt the cool breeze on your face. It was already dark. Here it was, 8:00 and Josh was pulling in. When he stopped, he got out of the car and greeted you.
"Hey," he said, a little nervous.
"Hey," you smiled. you had the same nervous tone. you couldn't think why he was nervous though. But you knew exactly why you were nervous. I dont think I can do this, you thought to yourself as Josh opened the door. Of course you can, just wait for the right moment. Then it will all lay out itself. you hoped you were right. you got in the car and Josh closed your door. When he got in, he spoke.
"Ready for my apology night?" he said.
"I told you, it wasnt your fault. Theres no apology needed." you said. Although, you knew this wouldnt do anything. youve said it three times already.
"Well, if you say so, then. Im still sorry, though." He said, looking at you. you were starting to pull out.
"No," you started. "I should be sorry. I should have believed you. I dont know why I didnt. I completely overreacted. Im sorry for making you feel like it was your fault."
"You didnt make me feel like it was my fault, I knew it was my fault."
"Josh," you said with a serious voice.
"(y/n)," he said with the same tone. you chuckled when he looked at you. He had a slight smile. you knew he was joking.
"So where are we going?" you said, changing the subject.
"I just figured we could hang around town. See some sights."
"In my town?"
"Nope. In mine. Youve never been there, but I think you'll like it." he smiled.
"Im sure I will." you smiled. It didnt take long to get to his town. you didnt realise how close you were. you could probably visit him from time to time, as a surprise.
"Well, here we are," Josh said as he parked the car. It was dark. you guess he took a back road.
"Its dark," you said, trying not to be rude.
"Yup, just wait." he said getting out of the car. He came around to your side to open the door.
"Don't you get tired of opening the door for me?" you smirked.
"Yeah, your too much trouble," he smirked.
"Ha, ha," you laughed sarcastically. "I guess you want me to leave then?"
"No," he laughed. "That's the last thing I want," he put his arm around you and smiled. you smiled back. He removed his arm and looked down. you looked down too. you started up a small hill. you could hardly see, but you could only see Josh, since he was so close. you were slightly behind him, because you had no idea where to go.
"Okay," he said, stopping. "Close your eyes." you Did as he said, and he took your hand. His hand was warm. you couldn't help thinking how well your hand fit in his. He started to pull you up the hill again, and you followed. When he stopped you, he put his hands over your eyes.
"Okay, now, open them," he said, removing his hands. you opened your eyes and gasped in amazement. The hill overlooked the entire city, which was covered in a sea of lights.
"Its so beautiful!" you said. your town had lights, but not this many. There were so many colors. you felt like you were inside a rainbow. Josh stayed behind you, but you could feel he was close. your heart raced. This is so cliche, you thought. The city was just so beautiful.
"And three, two, one," Josh counted softly. you looked around at him. He was looking behind him at the forest. you looked to where his gaze was and saw a few lights appear. They were flying around.
"Fireflies!" you laughed. you walked to them and heard them fly around you. you heard Josh chuckle.
"What?" you laugh. He gestures to your hair. you feel it, and there was a firefly on your head. you laugh as it landed on your finger. you lower it to your eyes to see it.
"They really like you, huh?" he laughed.
"I guess so," you chuckled. He came to where you stood. We looked in amazement at all the fireflies. It was almost as beautiful as the city. you looked over to josh. He was looking around at the fireflies in the forest. His smile made you smile. you've never seen a cuter smile. He was so close to you. you wanted to hug him, but you knew you couldn't. Not yet anyways. suddenly, you were startled by a growl. Josh looked at you.
"I take it your hungry?" he chuckled. you blushed and responded.
"I guess so," you laughed. Then you heard another growl.
"Sounds like you are, too," you looked at josh's stomach and laughed. So did he.
"Well, I know exactly where we can go, and it's not too far. We can walk." a walk with Josh sounded great. you being the clichè girl you are.
"Sounds good," you respond with a smile.
"Okay, it's this way," He led. you followed close to him. His hand brushed against yours. How you longed to hold it. It killed you to know that you liked each other, yet, you weren't together. you just really felt like you were meant to be. If only you could find the right time to tell him. Pretty soon, you arrived at the place.
"Here is the Coffee Cove, one of my favorite places to just relax."
"It's a nice building," you said, gesturing to the decor. It was pretty. you wish you knew how to decorate like this.
"You can sit here, and I'll be back in a minute," He smiled.
"Okay," you said. Josh walked in, and the smell of coffee and desserts filled your nose. you loved the smell of a coffee shop. you sat down at one of the outside tables. you had a beautiful sight of the town. It reminded you of Disney World at night.
Alright, (y/n), get ready to tell him. When there is silence, just go for it! You'll do fine!  you told yourself. you realized you were the only one outside. you decided to sing away your fears. you chose I Do Adore by Mindy Gledhill.

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