Chapter 2: Hope

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Caroline emerges on the courtyard of her school. She slowly approaches Alaric and Hayley, observing Hope the entire time. She was just showing one of the kids how she can change the color of flowers into a whole range of different colors in seconds.

"Impressive little girl you have there," she states as she comes closer to Alaric and Hayley.

"Caroline! It's nice to see you."

"I'm really glad to see you as well."

The two shake hands, then Caroline invites her to a slightly awkward hug, since the two of them have never been really close.

"Hope has just turned 7, hasn't she?"

"Yes, she'll be 8 in December."

"Her skill-set is... really impressive for her age."

"I know," Hayley agrees, "Her father likes to say she'll be the strongest witch the world has even seen."

Caroline smiles thinking of Klaus saying it. He must be so proud. It makes her feel warm to know he has someone to love unconditionally. Very few vampires have the chance to experience parenthood.

"I think he is absolutely right," she states.

"How is Klaus, by the way?" Alaric interrupts.

Hayley shrugs ruefully. "He took the news very badly, of course. But he did what he had to do. Hope is what matters to him the most, naturally."

"I can only imagine..." Caroline nods. "Please do keep him updated on her progress every day."

Alaric gives her a puzzled look. "We will keep both of you updated, if you desire so."

"Are you not staying in town?" she asks.

Hayley shakes her head. "I'll be staying close enough. Not in Mystic Falls, though. I've got some family down south, so I'll be staying with them. It's safer that way. Plus, I know Hope is here perfectly protected. I don't want to make it easier for enemies to find her by being in her proximity."

Caroline smiles. "Makes sense. Well, winter vacations will be here before you know it."

"I know... but I'll miss her so much. Boarding school... who would've thought..."

Caroline senses the little girl watching her. She waves with a smile.

The little girl waves back, excited but cautious. Caroline decides to approach her.

"Well, hello there, little princess. How are you liking it so far?"

Hope smiles from ear to ear. "You're just like he described you."

"Who did?"

"My dad," she chuckles shyly.

"Did he now?" Caroline crosses her hands, amused. "What did that... charming man say about me?" she had to bite her tongue not to let a curse out.

"Only the loveliest things."

"Well... thank you then, sweetie. Go say goodbye to your Mom and I'll show you into your new room, ok?"

"Ok," she jumps excitedly and rushes off to her mother.

When she talks, she sounds just like him. What would she give to see him one more time... to have him kiss her, touch her...

She has to stop herself once again. These thoughts are utterly inappropriate.

So that's why Klaus called her earlier. Hayley won't be here to keep him up to date. She guesses there'll be a lot of phone calls to come. But isn't that dangerous? Unless that's exactly what she wanted deep inside.

Heart's Desire (Completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang