Chapter 21: Playing Games

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Klaus' POV

I re-enter the Bourbon Café with a brand new purpose. I know Caroline sees me from my former spot, but I don't do as much as glance her way.

I smoothly walk toward the tall blond mingling with two men, whom I observed earlier. I approach her, take her hand and turn my way.

I notice Caroline standing up from the corner of my eye, so I know I have to act fast.

"Would you be so kind to accompany me outside for a moment?" I say, employing my compelling vampire skills. Her pupils widen and she nods politely, blindly following me on my way out.

The two men stand up in defiance, and I see Caroline mid-way down the stairs. She can't show her fast vampire skills amid this crowd of humans.

"Sit down. Forget about this," I compel them as quickly as I can, then march out with the oblivious blond.

"Klaus!" I hear Caroline calling from behind, just as I wanted her to.

I don't turn, though. I guide my companion into a dark alley, closest one to the café, where a lot of mischievous things have happened over the years.

When we reach the far end, I pull the woman towards me and we start making out.

"Klaus... what are you doing?" Caroline asks and she sounds more irritated than surprised. "This is ridiculous."

She keeps on talking, but I ignore her completely. I am waiting for the perfect moment.

I know it will come.

"I made a mistake, Klaus, no need to rub it down my throat..." she gets angry. "I love you, can't you see that?"

And there it is.

I grab the woman's head, eyes locked with Caroline's the entire time, and drench the woman's body of blood. I release my hold and she collapses onto the ground, dead.

"Still love me, sweetheart?" I ask, blood dripping down my chin.

"Klaus, there is nothing you can do to make me stop loving you."

"Are you sure about that?" I ask distrustfully.

I don't know what's gotten into me, but I suddenly get an insatiable urge to make her prove her statement. After all, if she isn't being truthful, I might get cheated on again, soon enough, after I do one of me regular screw-ups that the good-doers would disapprove of.

Her eyes widen as she must be thinking of the worst things I could possibly do. "Anything that doesn't involve hurting the people I care about most, of course," she corrects herself. "If you hurt my children, I'd kill you. Naturally," she says matter-of-factly and it makes me want to kiss her. I don't do that, however.

"Caroline, I would never hurt the girls. Don't insult me, please," I fix my posture, and as she is relieved, I continue: "Now, Alaric, on the other hand-"

"I knew it!" She cuts me off. "Klaus, you can't kill my children's father! What is wrong with you? Have you completely lost all reason? That is, if you ever had any at all!"

I chuckle. I love how she always manages to make me feel young and playful. "Easy, love."

She twists her head in suspicion.

"I am not saying I will murder the man you cheated on me with. He is, after all, the one responsible for your adultery not going beyond where it went..."

She rolls her eyes, tension building inside her.

"However!" I continue before she can interrupt my stream of thoughts, "if I was to kill him, let's just imagine that scenario hypothetically, would you still be able to love me, as you call your emotions towards me?"

I watch her silly face expressions with hidden joy. She is like an open book to me.

"First of all, this is purely hypothetical! And if you ask whether I'd be able to love you afterwards, you're asking the wrong question," she gestures with her hands the entire time and I have to block them from view not to get distracted. "The right question would be if I would still be utterly unable not to love you afterwards," she calms down and looks me piercingly in the eyes, making me feel odd. "And the answer is.. yes, Klaus. I'd still be unable to hate you and I would only hate myself for loving you."

A subtle smile of victory escapes my mouth.

Then she continues. "But if you did that... I wouldn't be able to be with you publicly. I would have to love you from afar. Because I could never admit to my close ones that I am able to love a person who cost my children their father." She makes a step toward me. "That is why I truly hope you won't do something stupid like that." She lifts her arm trying to touch my face, but I pull away.

"Cowardice doesn't suit your style, Love."

Her eyes fill with anger now. "Why do you have to be so damn stubborn?"

I laugh. "Because if we both weren't stubborn, how would we be able to fight constantly?" I purse my lips and soothe her face. "You know that's our thing."

She fights it at first, but then gives me the cutest laugh à la Caroline. The one where her eyes sparkle. I grab her head with both my hands and kiss my traitorous woman. Not because I've forgiven her. But because she is mine.

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