Chapter 4: Guilt

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The kids run and play in the courtyard during recess.
Caroline joins Alaric and is surprised to see their twins sitting right with him.

"Hello, lovelies!" She hugs them excitedly. "To what do we owe this honor? I hope you don't need some favor," Caroline sees right through them.

"Come on, Mom," Josie says. "It's not like we don't like you, we're just embarrassed to be seen sitting with teachers..."

Lizzie laughs. "But also we want to ask you something," she winks at Josie.

"Ah, there are the kids I know. What is it? Pocket money? Or some days off at school?"

Josie's eyes dilate with joy. "Could we get both?"

"Easy there, Jo," Lizzie calms her sister down, "keep your eyes on the prize. We actually wanted to ask if we could do a party for our birthday. You know the date is nearing."

Alaric chuckles. "Oh, man. I thought we'd have more time before you start asking questions like these."

Caroline shakes her head in amusement. "What kind of a party? Like going to ice-cream and see a cartoon at the cinema?"

The twins gaze at them in shock.

"Mom!" Lizzie says, appalled, "we're not four. We're turning six soon!"

"Alright, girls. You make a plan and tell us what you'd like and then we'll see what can be done, alright?" Caroline orders.

"Great!" Josie screams excitedly and they leave to play with the other kids.

"Ah, they grow up so fast, don't they?" Alaric states.

"They sure do."

"Talking of kids, what did Klaus want to talk to you about yesterday?"

"Hope, of course."

"Is she all you talk about?"

Caroline frowns. "I'm sorry, but that's none of your business, Alaric. I am free to do what I please."

"That may be so, but I honestly hope Klaus is not what pleases you."

Caroline is hurt by his words. Why can't her partner be supportive? "You know, Alaric, we've all done mistakes."

"You already said that and I gotta say it sounds a lot like you're defending him."

"I'm stating the obvious!" she loses her nerves.

Alaric rubs his eyes, leaning his hand on his hands. "Do you ever think about what would Elena say if she knew? Klaus killed her aunt Jenna! And he tried to kill her multiple times!"

"We've all killed somebody's aunts or uncles or siblings or friends! Just because we didn't know their family doesn't make it any different. You killed many innocent people, too!"

"Yes, but I wasn't myself when I did those things! That monster was himself when he'd done those murders! How dare you compare me to him?"

Caroline loses her temper and her eyes fill with tears. "Don't you think I know? Don't you think I know all of what you said is true? Because I do. And don't for a second think that I don't despise myself for the feelings I have. Because, again, I very much do!" she swiftly leaves the table, very upset.

Alaric follows her inside the house, his heart racing. "Caroline..." he says, seeing her crying in the kitchen, "I'm sorry, I just-" he is interrupted by her cellphone ringing. They both look at the screen and see it's Klaus.

Caroline looks at Alaric, fill with guilt.

He throws his hands in defeat. "Go ahead, answer the monster. I'm done," he leaves back outside.

Caroline stares at the phone. If she hadn't had this conversation with Alaric, she would have been thrilled to answer. Now, however, she just lets it ring.

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