Chapter 11: Fighting For Love

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Klaus' POV

"So if I'm right, what you're asking is if it is possible to break the spell altogether, but still keep Hope safe from the Hollow?" Lilly's forehead creases greatly, as she pours herself a glass of cognac.

"You are," I reply calmly, as she tries to fill my already full glass.

"To put it plainly," she downs the drink, "No." Her glass hits against the table and it makes it sound like a judge's verdict.

I purse my lips, finally reminiscing about taking that cognac. "I know you witches aren't that powerful, but..." on second thought I down that glass, "isn't there always, sort of a loophole... that your people are professionals at finding, to somehow grant your, call it clients, a semi-fulfilled wish? With," I continue heavily, "some kind of a major sacrifice present that screws our wish for at least, say forty percent?"

She stares at me bluntly. "You, my friend, are an idiot."

I smile politely. "An idiot who is right."

She continues staring, before finally filling up her glass again. "I'll tell you what. I could make you a ring."

Hope rises inside me, but I mustn't show it. "A ring?"

"Well, obviously, not any ring," she drinks. "I can produce a ring that protects its bearer from your powers, or Hollow's powers inside you."

I squint in disbelief. "And if Hope wears it she will be in no danger from me?"

Lilly laughs. "Of course she would. I cannot break a spell that powerful with a simple contra-spell. If only it worked that way..."

"Then what use do I have of it?"

Lily lights a cigarette. "You non-witched people are so simple."

I knows she is using simple in this sentence construction to replace the word stupid, but I decide to let it go.

"You can't use it on Hope, because it's her who Hollow wants. The hollow's curse is far too strong to break it directly. It cannot be broken. However, when Hope comes of age... she will be strong enough to block Hollow's powers herself. The Hollow chose to possess her because it knew it would be too late to do it afterwards. It realized her immense power and knew it needed to act quickly, while it was still stronger than her. A witch reaches her full potential when she turns eighteen... at eighteen, all of your siblings and you could be in the same room and you still couldn't possess her.  Until then, you will just have to avoid her. Since you carry only a quarter of its strength, Hope will be powerful enough to take it at the age of sixteen. Until then, you mustn't go near her even alone."

I am horrified to process those words. "What use is the ring then?" I yell, enraged.

"The ring is for that girl you whined about. If she is to wear it when with you, as long as you are at a location far from Hope, you cannot use her body to transmit your powers onto her and then have her use them while at Hope's proximity. At least you get to be with one of them." She puts the cigarette off and blows the smoke into my face.

Well... That sure makes a difference.

I fix my collar. "Please do make it somewhat appealing. It's not like Niklaus Mikaelson proposes to a woman every other century."

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