Chapter 22: King & Queen

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Klaus' POV

I walk the New Orleans streets with Caroline's hand in mine.

Regardless of not being able to see Elijah, Rebekah or Hope, I am not devastated. How can Caroline have so much power over me?

We walk past a night club that I used to attend frequently. Now it is filled with people who chased me out of my town. Who made me surrender my leadership.

As we walk by, somebody clicks their tongue behind us. "Don't tell me Klaus Mikaelson is back in town."

Just when I thought the day couldn't have been any better.

I turn as Caroline shares a worried look with me. "Don't stress, Love," I whisper calmly.

The man starts approaching us slowly, and I decide to meet him half-way.

"It is you," he says, surprised.

"Don't tell me there is another handsome fella like myself residing in this city," I smirk.

"Residing?" He laughs. "Last time we saw you, you only showed your back."

Who is we? I wonder, then see that a small crowd has surrounded us from all corners.

"We chased you away," another one comments, chuckling irritably.

"Klaus Mikaelson cannot be chased away," I respond authoritatively. "I only let you boys play a game of ruling while I attend other matters."

They all laugh.

One of them approaches. "And what matter is more important than ruling over this town?"

I recognize him. His beard has grown and he looks even more irritating now. I have a desire to rip his head over his shoulders.

I smile calmly. "Well, that's easy. Family."

He clicks his tongue. "I don't think so. You were scared!"

He lunges towards me, but I quickly thrust my hand into his chest and am left with his heart in my hand.

I sense rage building inside of Caroline. As I am thinking whether it is directed at me or them, the crowd attacks us.

And it is then that Caroline bites off a piece of Nick's neck.

I smile, happy for an indescribable reason. And I am off to fighting off the remaining little gang of 4.

"Two down. Four to go," Caroline announces bloodily and jumps at a woman on her left. They fight for a moment and the redhead is dead just as my second pray goes into dust.

The only one left now is a bulky man with blue eyes. He seems hesitant.

"I ain't causing any trouble!" He shouts and suddenly starts to run away.

Caroline prepares herself to go after him, but I catch her arm. "Leave him. Let him spread the new that I am back. Back with my Queen."

She gazes at me, confused. "What happened here, Klaus? What really happened?"

I shrug, "I had to renounce my leadership. We had no choice." I remember with anger. "So me and my family fled."

She broods about it, shaking her head. "And you just allowed that to happen?"

"What could I have done? My daughter's life was at stake!" The veins in my neck pulsate, as I remember the horror.

"Well... your daughter seems to be safe now, doesn't she?"

"What are you saying?" I squint, trying to read her mind. Even though I know she can't be thinking what I am thinking.

"I'm saying... let's get this town into hands where it belongs."

I think about it for a moment. "It wouldn't be the same. I have no people I can trust. And my family can't join me."

She takes my head between her hands. "You have me."

The words sound magnificent.

She continue, "and in due will have your family back as well. I know you always think of something," she reassures me. "Let's show these little sleeze-bags they're not cut out to fight against an Original and his..."

"Queen," I finish her sentence.

I stare at her eyes sparkling. And I can't help my thought. I'm in.

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