Chapter 15: Family Drama

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Caroline's POV

"Okay, sweeties, you played with Mommy enough. Now go study to your room, so we can have one of those grown-up talks," Alaric says while I still have my daughters in my arms. I missed them so much.

Lizzie rolls her eyes. "I hate grown-up talk." And the two girls stomp upstairs.

"Ric," I start, but he interrupts swiftly.

"When's the wedding, Car?"

I feel hurt suddenly. His eyes show me how much in pain he is. I doubt it is only due to fear for his children.

"We haven't set the date yet..." I start, but the cuts me off again.

"Well you better hurry, before he changes his mind."

I become infuriated. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means Klaus in unpredictable and rash. He does shocking things and changes his plans in a matter of seconds. It's how he's always been. How long did it take for him to decide to leave the last time?" He looks deep into my eyes, sitting down, finally.

He takes my hands into his. "Caroline, he's not right for you. He treats you like one of his toys. He makes plans without telling anyone, and all he cares about is himself."

I shake my head. "You're wrong about him. I know he did a lot of awful things in the past, but... he cares about things. Having a child changed him. Having me changed him."

He sniffs a desperate breath. "Hasn't having children changed you as well? Our children. Don't you worry about them? Don't you worry about us?" He stands up again, agitated. "We are a family! Can't you see that? We have people we both care about! We have things we care about. School! It's our passion project. If you plan on quitting on all that altogether, than I don't know you at all."

His words sting me. "Quitting? I would never quit. I care about those things, too, Ric."

"Do you? Because being with him means you can't be around here anymore."

I stand up excited, finally able to explain the good part. "It doesn't! Klaus found a way around it." I show him the ring on my finger. "This ring, it protects us from the Hollow. It allows me to come here without transmitting its powers onto the kids... on Hope."

He furrows his eyebrows. "You won't leave?"


He seems to calm down a bit. "You will still live here? With us?"

"Yes, Ric."

He shakes his head, brooding. "Why marry him, then? Where's the rush? We could... try things. We could see if we can become a family, instead. If you wish to marry... why not marry me?"

I am shocked.

"We are a family already. It makes much more sense," he continues.

Oh my God. How come I never realized this before? Alaric is in love with me.

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