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27th July 2012.
Time just flew, like God gifted it a pair of Angel wings. Hina and I became close within a week. Hina was nothing like the other girls in my class. She was this giant ball of sunshine, my sunshine.

Hina always talked about the people who wanted love. She was a compassionate person and cared for people.

Little did I realise that I was one of those Hina talked about. I was the most pathetic guy in the class. My brain decided to fill itself with rainbows rather than facts. Thus, I flunked math and science. Due to these rainbows nevertheless, my passion in art and languages soared high. I'd make it into the top 3 in art, English and Sanskrit everytime. This was enough for the science teachers to kill the self esteem within me.

Every single time,  these words fall in my ears: "Why can't you score in math if you can score in English?! Tell me Ram!" 

"I DID NOT CHOOSE TO BE WHAT I AM! " shrieked my brain and soul, in unison. Sadly, I was their only listener...

I couldn't take it anymore. I was about to kill myself. Then, Hina came to me, all of a sudden.
"What do you want Hina? I no longer deserve to be alive! Let me go." I said.

Hina replied: "So you wanna desert me, your only friend in the class? Sorry, I won't let you go that easily."

I've never felt more alive.

"I'm here to make a pact. A pact that benefits the both of us." she said.

I was intrigued. Meanwhile, my brain and soul shouted in wild excitement: " Yay! Your first success! Relish this one buddy."

I was lost in thought while Hina woke me up. "Knock knock. Earth to Ram. You here? Listen. I suck at English and you suck at math. Why don't we help each other? Besides, our friendship deepens this way. Don't die soon. I'm here to kill you, friend."

My brain and soul had hosted a giant ball!

The first week was tough for the both of us. Gradually, Not only the subjects , our souls too moved into a deeper understanding. Lunch was a 'work while flirt' time for the both of us.

We exchanged numbers and began helping each other. Studies soon became our connecting bridge.

Then came exams. We wrote our exams well. We were happy as our answer paper came to us. A contrary feeling.

For the first time in my life, I saw a red mark that said "'A-' Keep it up."

She really was my lucky charm...

Still with me....Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin