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5th September 2012.
This birthday took me by surprise. It proved to be a revelation, an exciting one. She loved my new-found skill and wanted me to play for her birthday. I refused, while mind began it's prattle. "Are you outta your mind?!  What is wrong with you? She's finally asking for something! Why can't you do it?!". Soul came to the rescue. "He's trying to surprise her you dummy! Try using yourself once in a while." said soul.

Her voice was sweet as honey. I listened in bliss as she sung every day during lunch.

A week passed. It was the 12th, her birthday. I couldn't do anything like she did to me. I wasn't confident. I saw her in the school. She was an angel who happened to sport a black shirt and a jean, quite uncommon for the place I hail from. She was my little angel, One who rose from the depths of hell for me. She came in sporting a frown up her face. I honestly expected this. This was an expected event and yet, I was nervous. It all felt new to me. 

She came near the bench and placed her bag. Her eyes started searching. She ran across the class asking people "Where's Ram? Did you see him? " I laughed so hard. Then, she came to the terrace of the school. There, I sat with my violin playing her favorite tune. Every note felt like a blessing of the gods as she sung along with the violin. Her every step became a beat, her voice was my salvation. She came close and whispered "Someone's trying to be romantic, aren't they?"

"Moment of truth. It's now or never Ram. Act up!" said soul.

With no further thinking, I kissed her on her gentle lips. I'd die a million times for another one of these.

She was stunned. I was frightened. "Sorry Hina. It wasn't me." I said. She was truly dumbstruck. Pulling me by the shirt, she stared deep into my eyes. Her blue pupils pierced my eyes.
I'd have wet my pants if she stared another ten seconds.

I stood there, sporting a repenting look.

Hina struck my heart with these words. "You're supposed to kiss your girl on her birthday dummy!"

Those words..... I wish they could be made into a relic and turned into a family treasure.
She handed over a gift wrapped in pink cover and satin which I intentionally placed it under her desk. She opened it.

The gift contained things beyond her expectation. It contained a paper and a velvet box. She took the paper first. She read the content.

" 'I wandered the bare world,
with nothing to guard, close to the heart....
You're my treasure, my priceless stash of gold,
You are, my true life's start...'

Happy Birthday Hina.

Your Ram.

P. S. There's something on the pack, only for you."

Hina opened the velvet box as her inhibitions rose. She was so happy to see a pendant with a half heart on it. I showed the other half that hung on my neck.

"I offer you my heart. Would you accept it?" I asked. 

A loud slap came to my left cheek. 

"How couldn't I accept this?! Are you mad? " she said while tears veered up her eyes.

She really was a special kind of girl, at least to me....

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