Chapter 1

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It was the summer of 1950 in New York City. The booming city. The City seem to be alive night and day. Just leaving the gates of Idlewild Airport, Marilyn was waiting for her chauffeur to bring the car out front. It seem she was waiting for hours. She was worn-out to the bones. She try to push her waited around. Standing on one leg then shift weight to the other, back and forth. The sun was beating her down. Only 9 in the morning and it was hot like an oven. Not a single breeze blew pass her.

"Marilyn!" A female voice call for her. She turn and saw her friend Ruth carrying a huge bag of popcorn. The size of bucket, she was holding it with one arm. She could barely hold on to the bucket.

"Yes, Ruth?" Marilyn sound annoy. A while ago, Ruth was jumping everywhere trying to find something to eat even though she ate twice in the plane and once outside the gates and now the popcorn.

"You want some?" Ruth ask her.

"No, thank you. Where are the other two?"

"Vanessa and Violet?" Ruth ask her.

"No, Queen Elizabeth and Doris Day..." she said sarcastically.

"Are you serious?" Ruth said as she look around for Elizabeth and Doris.

"No! Ruth! I really meant..."

"Isn't our ride here yet?" Vanessa's voice came from behind them. Beside her was Violet fixing her hair as if she was ready for the big screen.

"No not yet. Might as well to take a taxi." Marilyn suggest to them. They began to wail for a taxi but each taxi zoom pass by them.

"Why won't they stop?" Ruth ask as she kept wailing down the taxis.

"I don't know maybe we should call or something." Violet suggest a1s she try to fix her hair again since the cars zoom her hair to the side.

"Wait I have an idea!" Vanessa shriek. She wore her sky-blue dress. She grab her small suit case and place it on the edge of the curb. She took one leg and place on it. She then began fixing her pantyhose. At first nothing but as she lift her dress showing some of her thigh cabs driver brake right in front of her. They began cat calling to her. Yelling for her to pick their cab. Violet and Ruth began to clap to show their appreciate and Marilyn just slap her own face in annoyance. She didn't think that was going to work. They hop inside one of the cab and drove off. As they drove to mid-town Vanessa asks where they were going.
"I was thinking at my house." Marilyn suggest. She was looking out at the window watching all those skyscrapers reaching the sky. She watch how the people walk in the crowded streets.
"I want to see your house!" Ruth exclaim.
"It has been a while since I been to your place." Violet mention.
Violet and Marilyn were family-friends. They met during a private school that both their fathers sent them. Both father took a liking to each other. Ever since Marilyn and Violet were the best friends.
"Yeah it has been a while hasn't it." Marilyn thought about it. They drove and drove. And it seem to be getting away further from city.
"Where do you live?" Ruth ask her as she notice to see more trees.
"My father owns two places. One at the city is our apartment and this is our country estate." Marilyn answer. They all stare out the window and everything out there was amazing. Coming to the pavement, a huge mansion with walls so high and tress that seem to reach the sky. It was a country estate. The car park in front of the mansion. As they open the car door they were speechless.
"Wait this is not your it?" Violet ask Marilyn.
"This is my home. I grew up here most of my life." Marilyn reply to her.
"Dang! Marilyn! It must have been a great life you had." Ruth comment.
"If you mean being alone most of the times, be prepare for high society and not having parents around most of the time, sure it was great."
"So it wasn't?" Vanessa ask. Marilyn look at the mansion and was remembering her childhood's life. She sigh.
"It was alright." Marilyn said. They all headed for the door and waited for Marilyn to reach the door. She went up to the door and hesitate. She didn't want to knock. Instead Ruth knock for her. A moment later someone came to the door.

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