Chapter 2

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It was a bright sunny Wednesday, a beautiful morning, only 9:00 o'clock and the sound of birds were chirping so lovely. Marilyn was up laying on her bed watching the sun shine through the trees and the flowers. She began to think about yesterday. Matthew being around and knowing that he can pop out of nowhere. She didn't know how she was going to act around him. As she was thinking about that, there was a knock at the door.

"Marilyn are you up?" Vanessa voice said from behind the door.

"I'm up. You can come in." Marilyn told her. She heard the door open and both Vanessa and Violet came in. They hop on the bed and got comfortable.

"How did you sleep? Did you dream about Matthew?" Violet ask.

"No, I did not dream about him. I slept well." Marilyn said, "I've been thinking, I think it's a crush. That's all I think it is."

"You think so. Well I wouldn't blame you if you did." Vanessa said.

"Where's Ruth? Is she still sleeping?" Marilyn ask.

"I don't think. She ever came back from her night with Ed." Vanessa said as she got up from the bed.

"I bet she spend the whole night with him." Violet snicker.

"I guess we can ask her because here she comes." Marilyn said as she pointed out at the window. Everyone went by the window and saw Ruth walking up the path way with her shoes in her hand and her hair messy. They ran to the front door and went to greet Ruth.

"Ruth! Where have you been?!" Violet ask her. Ruth look so tried and told them that she will tell them all later. Knowing that she would be in bed all day, the girls went and got themselves ready. They went to eat breakfast and waited for Ruth at the living room. As they waited, Vanessa ask Marilyn about Matthew.

"He's a nice guy." Marilyn explain. There wasn't much to tell about him.

"A nice guy...What else?"

"Uh...He's smart." Marilyn was struggling to answer her question.

"Vanessa I think you're asking too much. Marilyn just tell us your childhood with him." Violet suggest.

"I think I could do that. Okay, when we were younger we use to play princess and dragons and I always made him the dragon or monster. We use to play by the lake near the house."

"How sweet. Did he like being the monster or whatever it was?" Violet ask.

"He didn't mind being the monster. There was a few times I made him a hero."

"Hero...That's nice."

"It was a few times I was the hero in our play." A male voice said from the arch way. It was Matthew smiling at them.

"Matthew? How long have you been standing there?" Marilyn shyly ask him.

"I was here for a minute I was waiting for your father. Charles told me I could wait here but I see it been occupied."

"I'm sorry. We can leave..."

"No! It's fine I want to hear what else you have to say about your childhood." He said. She blush again. She try to find a point of her life to tell the girls but him being there she couldn't think.

"So Matthew, Do you have anyone special in your life?" Vanessa ask. He chuckle and said no. "That's too bad. A good lookin-guy like you not having a girl!" she said.

"Vanessa!" Marilyn try to stop her. He giggle.

"I haven't found the time to go out and find...a lady friend. " He said. That's when Vanessa came with an idea.

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