Chapter 4

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It was Friday, late-afternoon, after learning about Marilyn' situation the girls waited down stairs as Marilyn was upstairs trying to find an outfit to wear for tonight. She has ask the girls to leave her alone until the time has come. While they were waiting for Marilyn her father came into the room. He seem unsure, the girls faces look like boredom.

"Are you girls okay?" he ask them.

"Yes, Sir. We are alright." Vanessa answer him.

"We are waiting for Marilyn to show us what she plans to wear for her date..." Violet said.

"Her date? Oh! That's right! With Matthew!" He said all cheerful.

"Strange. Usually fathers would kill the man dating their only daughter." Ruth said to him. He laugh.

"I would be but, I know Matthew his whole life and I know he's a good boy. Unlike the other..."

"I see Sir..." Violet said. They then heard footsteps coming from the stairs. Marilyn came out wearing this beautiful navy blue short dress. All the girls squeal as they saw her.

"You look great!" Ruth exclaim.

"I knew that dress suit you." Vanessa said as she walk around Marilyn. Marilyn's father smile at her, proudly.

"You look wonderful..." he said to her as he hug her. He had to excuse himself for he had to continue his work. All the girls came around her giving her advice.

Finally the time came and they waited until Matthew came to knock on the door. But nothing knock. An hour pass and they began to wonder ludicrous ideas.

"What if he fell on the side of the mountain!?" Ruth said.

"What if he was mug by a mob?" Vanessa wonder.

"What if he forgot?" Violet mention. Marilyn was getting worried. Matthew wasn't the type of guy who doesn't call a gal and tell them nothing.

"You know, I'll call him and see what happen..." Marilyn said as she went to the phone.

"Wait where are you calling?" Vanessa ask her.

"Well...I'm going to call the company and ask if he left. If not I'll ask for his home phone number."

"Ooh. Trying his phone number so early." Vanessa said in a coy tone.

"I bet he has another girlfriend..." Arnold's voice said. He was standing at the doorway listening to them this whole time.

"Listen you... he doesn't have another girlfriend...Does he?" Marilyn said unsure. The girls shrug their shoulders.

"He had one not too long ago. Very pretty. Always gives me candy." Arnold mention.

"How long ago?" Violet ask him. But he kept quiet. "Tell us!" Violet growl. He said nothing. Finally Violet stood and began chasing him. The girls follow her telling her to stop. She chase him up and down the stairs. There was a point when they ran outside. He then reach to his room locking his door.

"Good..." Ruth said as she was breathing heavily. Vanessa and Marilyn were right behind her.

"Violet please let it go. I don't care if he had..."

"This kid knows something..." Violet said, "Arnold!" he bang on the door ,"Listen I won't hurt you we will talk through the door..."

"No!" he scream through the door.

" Hey Arnold, please tell us..." Ruth said in a soothing voice.

"O..okay..." Arnold said with a shaky voice.

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