Chapter 12

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Steven's party was less than a few hours away, while waiting for the party Vanessa join them and there Marilyn began talking to her about Albert. She was telling Vanessa, everything she knew about Albert and how he was a good looking guy. As she was talking to the girls she turn slightly at Matthew.

Matthew gave smirk and excuse himself. Once he left the room, Vanessa pull Marilyn aside.

"Marilyn, what's up with you?"

"What? What do you mean?" Marilyn ask if she doesn't know where Vanessa was going.

" You know what we mean, what are you doing? Talking about Albert in front of Matthew."

"Matthew was here?" she look around as if she didn't notice him in the room. Vanessa ignore her and continue reading from her book. Marilyn though about her actions. She began to wonder why she was acting like this. Is it because she was jealous when Matthew was talking to the girl in the plane. Complex mind she had.

Both Marilyn and the girls went to the back porch and waited for the guys. They went out to buy snacks for them. An hour pass and Marilyn watch as the waves crash and notice people by a boat load going to Albert's house. The guys came back with snacks and drinks. They were acting like teenagers, throwing food at each other and calling each other names.

"Boys..." Vanessa said in a scolding tone. She ask them to be careful around the house. Once she reprimand them they stop the horse playing.

Marilyn grab her things and excuse herself. Violet ask where she was going and she reply that she was heading to the party. As Marilyn began walking away, the gang grab their things. Inside the house, Matthew sat down on the chair and pick up a newspaper. 

"Aren't you coming Mat?" Wesley ask as he stop on the doorway. Matthew was thinking whether to go or not.

"I'll be there soon." He said to them, "I just want to catch up with my news."

Wesley look back at James, who was waiting for them, and shook his head. They left Matthew and went to the party. After a half an hour, Matthew look at his watch and notice it was getting late. He got up and fix himself. Humming a little song as he was getting ready. He wore shorts with a loose button shirt. He had it button all the way but decide to open his shirt.

Once he was ready, he walk to Albert's beach house. All the women outside Albert's porch watch Matthew as he enter the house. They were giving him erotic looks. Matthew found the gang sitting in a dining room. They didn't seem to be having any type of fun.

"Are you okay?" Matthew ask James.

"We good. It not my type of party though."

"I can see. There is a law breaking in every corner of this house."

"We can go. I didn't think this party for us anyway." Matthew said. They thought about but it would be rude to leave Marilyn here alone.

"We can't leave Marilyn here." Vanessa said as she held Wesley close to her. Matthew can see the look on their faces that they wanted to leave. So Matthew decide to go look for Marilyn and keep an eye on her. He left them and went to the other room where there was home bar. He went and ask for Scotch on the rocks. The person behind the bar went pour a cup for Matthew. As he waited there a couple of ladies coming to the bar. One of the ladies was wearing heavy make-up with a bathing suit that was much too revealing. She was talking to her friends.

" So what's... Albert up too?" the friends ask her all surly.

"He's with another girl right now..." the women with the heavy makeup reply.

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