Chapter 10

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            It was a sunny Friday afternoon, everything was clam. The flowers were in bloom. Birds were chipping outside the house. There was even squirrels climbing up and down the oak tree by the lake. For being such a lovely day, Vanessa and Marilyn decide to go by the lake with a blanket and watch the ducks and swans swimming all around the small lake.

While being outside Marilyn told Vanessa about her and Matthew's kiss. It been a two days since Matthew and her seen each other. Marilyn's father told her that the company has been so busy that the guys haven't had the chance to go home at all for the last two days. Marilyn wonder what would happen now after their kiss. Vanessa, who was excited to learn that Marilyn and Matthew might get back together, ask her if she wanted to get back together with him. Marilyn would like to get back together but it takes two to make that decision, she doesn't want to force him to be with her. She told Vanessa that she has to talk to Matthew about it.

While the girls were talking the phone inside the house rang. Charles, who lately hasn't been himself, pick up the phone. It was Marilyn's father. He was asking for her. Charles told him that she was outside and he will get her. Charles call for her, she went running in and went to the phone.

"Hello?" Marilyn greet.

"Marilyn, honey, are you busy today?"

"No dad, I'm just here with Vanessa."

"Okay, how about tomorrow?"

"I'm not sure, why?"

"I forgot that Matthew's mother has invited us to their party tomorrow."

"Party?" Marilyn question.

"Well it his parents anniversary and we been invited snice last week but it been so busy here I completely forgot."

"Well I guess I can go on your behalf..."

"Aw thanks sweetie! I'll tell Matthew and he can pick you up." He told her. Once she hung up she realize that maybe this can be their chance to re-patch their relationship. She went back with Vanessa and told her about the party. Once Marilyn told her, Vanessa agree that it is their chance to fix their relationship. They talk about outfits that can definitely capture Matthew's eyes, a car pulled up from the drive way. They wonder who could it be, they walk up to the front of the house. It was James and Wesley, it was odd since usually Matthew is with them when they come to the house.

"Hiya girls." James said.

"James, how are you?" Marilyn ask as he hug him.

"I'm good. We here to hang out with you actually."

"Really why?"

"I wanted to see Vanessa, of course..." Wesley said as he kiss Vanessa. She giggle.

"Oh you..." Vanessa blush. While they were talking, the mail man came and gave them letters. As Marilyn look through the pile of letters, she found one letter that made her happy.

"It's Ruth!" Marilyn shriek. Everyone came around her wanting to know what the letter said.

"What does she say?" Vanessa ask. Marilyn open the letter and began reading through it.

"She's good. She has a due date for her baby. It's around February. She's living with her parents in California!"

"In sunny California!? Lucky!" Wesley said in a down tone.

"She asking for her men..." Marilyn said as she continue reading, "She wondering if they have ask for her."

"No. They haven't call or...or anything! It's like they don't care." Vanessa mention. Marilyn felt bad that the guys hasn't call Ruth at all.

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