Chapter 6- A Rainy Day and Walking Alone

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Your POV

How long had I been crying in this room? 10, 20, or even 30 minutes. I lost count since I didn't check my phone.

It started to rain, ah rain I love how calm it sounds. I check my phone to see it was 5. 'Mom probably left the house to shop so maybe a nice walk will be nice'

I put on a red hoodie, jeans, and socks. I took my phone then opened the door. I saw the boys sleeping nicely. 'They probably don't care if I want out....'

I went downstairs to get my umbrella, putting on red converse, then grabbing my keys then left the house.


Rap Mon: let go check on-


Everyone: WHAT

Suga: we should check around the house

Jungkook: wait guys the door is opened

Rap Mon: Me, Jin and Suga will go after her while the rest of you wait here and see if she come back

Everyone but Rap Mom, Jin, and Suga: got it!

3rd POV

Jin Rap Mon and Suga left the house to look for (y/n). You were walking alone to the lake, you were wearing headphones, more like earbuds. You were listening to 'You Never Walk Alone' by Bts but really you were walking alone.

"They probably still sleeping...." You said letting out a ouch. While your mom was yelling at you, she hit you really hard on your arms.

You made it to the lake and standing there watch the water move. "(Y/n)!!" The three boys were yelling your name trying to find you but no luck.

"We should check at the lake, she probably there." The leader said and the other two nodded.

They ran to the lake to see someone on their knees.

Your POV

(It is before they found you)

Looking at this lake makes me think that, Am I worth it?

But in my family's eyes, I am not. My dad not really at home and make me down all the stuff he supposed to do. My mom just make me want to died by insulting me and making do what a mom do. My siblings dragged me to what they want to do, I feel like their salve more of the fucking time.

I drop my umbrella, feel onto my knees......then I start to cry.

"I'm sorry....I'm sorry....." I kept of saying that until I heard my name.

"(Y/n)!" I look up to see three boys coming to me. Shit they found me, I grabbed my umbrella then got up and run.

I try to run in this rain but I am hopeless. I slipped down onto the floor. Maybe I should stop running away like I always do.

Everything and everywhere I look started to fade away. I heard talking then everything turned black.

With Bts

Rap Mon: guys she not waking up

They bought her back to the house after the run away

Suga: we should call 911 right now

Rap Mon got his phone and quick called 911, all of the boys where worry about her. Jungkook and V was crying while Jimin tried to calm them down. Hobi and Jin didn't say a word but look at the cold and wet girl. Suga was holding onto her.

The ambulance came and took her away. Rap Mon asked if he can come and the men nodded.

Rap Mon: I text you guys when you can come, tell manager about this as well

The six nodded their head as he leave.

With You

I opened my eyes to see darkness around me. "W-where am I?" I said but nothing. I kept on looking around this place to see a door the says 'Memories'

I went up to the door and opened it.

I saw my younger self place outside being happy. "I can't believe I was like this...what happened?" I kept on watching myself grew until I saw that moment when everything when into flames.

"What the hell!?!" I yelled out as every started to burn right in front of me. The only thing that I could do was watch and fly around like a ghost.

Then all of the bad memories appeared. "Mommy p-please stop!!" "Shut up you ungrateful child!"

I started to cry as everything started to comeback to me and the reason I hated my mom.

My dad was at work so I basically didn't see him most for my life but my mom, she tried to turn me into the 'perfect' daughter.

But really I am just a mistake.

Rap Mon POV

We got to the hospital and they put her in the emergency room. I sat in the waiting room, why did she do that? I kept asking myself questions that only (y/n) would knew.

An hour later the boys came and our manager was here to. Then there were her family, if you could even call them her family.

Her mom like she actually care but I can see though her that she didn't care. Her siblings on the other hand, her brother and sisters were just on their phones!?

Of course her dad isn't here.

"I just hope she is ok...." Jin said as we nodded, I knew that she care for her once we met her.

She is graduating in a three days but now she is her because of her mom. The doctor came out hours later, she came up to me and said, "(Y/n) is alive but in a deep sleep right now...." I was in shocked then I told the others.

V and Jungkook was crying while Jimin and Jin tried to calm them down. J-Hope was in shocked and Suga was like me when I heard about it.

"Can we visit her?" I asked her doctor and she nodded. We follow her, not (y/n)'s family since they had to leave because of her siblings going to school.

We saw her body, pale and wires was coming from her body. We all went to her side and most of us started to cry. I was crying too because she was all happy and shy when we met her but now we really know what is happening to her.

We saw the medical bills and they were so much money to pay. He knew I was in shock after I saw the bills. "Who did this to her?" He asked I looked at him and said, "It was because of your wife.....I'm sorry..." I said as he walk to her.

I talk to our manager about the bills, he said ask (y/n)'s dad if you can pay for them. We were in the hallway since we wanted to give her dad space.

I was about to go ask him about the bills until I heard something I can not believe.

"You such a useless child, I am not going to pay for your bills once you wake up...." he said as he got up and leave.

I recorded the whole thing.

Now we need to protect (Y/n) from her family........

I kept writing these at the middle of the night but whatever I don't care tbh -_-

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