Chapter 9- Singing, Problems, and Leaving Everyone

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Warning this chapter will contain: Cutting and lot of blood

If you are uncomfortable with it then you can skip that part ^^

Your pov

I love sleeping in and now what do I do. I just fucking woke up and Yoongi won't let me go. Jin is still sleep so out of the picture. "Oppa....." I said and he woke up, shit why did I do that.....0-0

He looked at me then fell back to sleep but hey he let go of me at least. I got out of bed then unplugged my phone charger. I got my phone then turn on my computer. I went on YouTube and put on my headphones then started to listen to 'Satisfied' from Hamilton.

I turn on my phone and went onto wattpad and started to read some fanfics about bts.

I started to sing to it, most of the part are rapping but I got it down, it the only song I can rap to.

I didn't care if Jin or Yoongi wake up and see me sing since I promise Namjoon that I sing for them.

Kookie, Jimin, Taehyung, Yoongi and now Jin heard me sing, now only Hobi and Namjoon need to see me doing this. They are going to kill me one day, anyways I finished the song then I heard clapping. I turned to see Jin and Hobi, "Wow you did GOOD!!!!" Hopi said with a smile and I laugh a bit.

Warning cutting and shit so skip if need

After that I went downstairs if there was anything to eat, I saw my parents. My dad said, "You are leaving next month so you better pack your bags now, now I don't have to worry about your ass anymore." He said as the two left the house.

I had tears in my eyes, I thought they well support me but no they just wanted me to leave and never come back. I sat on the ground and started to cry out, I didn't cry if anyone sees me. I got up, tears in my eyes. I grab a knife and looked at it, I never thought I well ever do this. I wanted to cut myself but never have the gusts to do it. I did one cut, blood was coming down from it. I kept on doing it and there were light and deep cuts I did. I didn't wanted to stop until someone grabbed my arm with the knife. I turned to see Yoongi, then I felt someone grabbing the bloody knife. Namjoon took the knife away and said, "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? You were all happy before and now you doing this, why...WHY ARE YOU FUCKING DOING THIS (Y/N)?" He was yelling at me and more tears came out. Yoongi let go of me then I ran and went to my room.

Namjoon POV

Damnit, I should yelled at her but why was she doing this...? "Namjoon..." I put the knife of the counter then turn to Yoongi. "She probably did it because of her parents, I heard what her dad said to her...I think that why she had the knife." He explained then I understand now.

When we had the meeting about her living with us, her parents looked happy...not because she is going to a better school, no because they don't have to deal with her anymore.

"We need to check on her now, she is bleeding to death right now!" I said then the two of us went to her room.

Your pov

Once I came to my room I saw Jin, he was on his phone. He looked up and saw my bloody arm. I was still cry then I fell onto the floor. I was on my knees and I covered my bloody arms with my right hand. Jin came to me and started to hugged me, I cried even more. "I'm sorry....I'm sorry....." I kept repeating over and over again.

Yoongi: Jin get (y/n) clean up and I will try to find anything to cover the marks

Jin pick me up and took me to the bathroom. I sat on the toilet seat and he was cleaning the blood with a wet cloth. "O-ow.." I said as I felt the cloth and it burned. I look up to see Namjoon, "I'm sorry...." I broke down again and started to cry. I felt someone held my right hand and I look up to see him.

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