Chapter 3: Just one day

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Cassie's POV:

I woke up with the worst head ache ever honestly I felt like shit.

Opening my eyes I observed my surroundings.

Obviously I had no idea where I was but I started to remember the events from yesterday and putting two and two together I assumed I was in the guy's house in one of their rooms.

I look down and noticed I had on different clothes as well.

Oh hell I don't remember changing. Please don't tell me one of these fine dudes did not change me.

Ughh this is beyond embarrassing.

I turn over and notice a glass of water with aspirin on the table next to the bed.

I smiled to myself, man these guys are really sweeter than I imagined this must be a dream.

Swallowing the aspirin I got up and walked to the bathroom that was conveniently in the room.

After doing my business, I looked around the cabinets and found a couple brand new tooth brushes, choosing a green one I brushed my teeth.

When I was done I walked back into the room to find Namjoon sitting on the bed waiting.

Seeing me walk in he smiled, "Good morning, beautiful guest how are you feeling this lovely morning."

I almost laughed at his cheesiness, these guys are really cute.

"Well besides feelings like absolute shit I'm just curious as to who decided to change me while I was sleeping and why?" I asked eyebrows raised.

He chuckled nervously, "Okay I'll keep it real with you, after you passed ou-"

"Whoa I passed out?" I said quietly to myself accidentally interrupting him, "Sorry continue."

He laughed, "As I was saying when you passed I carried you in here and ever so sweet Jimin let you borrow his clothes, but since you were still passed out I took it upon myself to change you, I felt I had no choice I didn't want you to catch pneumonia, I really hope it doesn't upset you."

I don't know whether to be mad or thank him for his thoughtfulness.

I chose the latter, "Wow Namjoon, I don't know what to say except thank you, seriously that was nice of you, I know it was probably awkward for you.

He smirked a little, "I mean at first it was a little but hehe trust me-"

I cut him off with a look.

He quickly looked at the ground blushing, "Ah I mean yeah it was terribly awkward."

I decided to have a little fun.

Bending down to his level.

While I appear calm, cool, and collected on the outside my insides are melting into mush.

I saw him inhale sharply and observed as his pupils dilated.

Smirking I put my lips to his ear and whispered, "How can I ever thank you for being so sweet to me, you've done more than enough, it takes a lot to change a girl and not look at her body huh?"

I felt him stiffen, "U-uh,yeah um I," He stuttered.

Standing up and walking to the door, I turned around and winked leaving a very shocked and speechless Namjoon behind.

Walking down the hall I followed the scent of food cooking into the kitchen to find the boys cooking and eating.

Jimin sees me and runs up, "Hello, hope you like blueburry
pancakes, I made special for

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