Emotionless? Maybe

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Sherlock x Mycroft

Mycroft was at home in his office when he got the call. It was from their father saying their mother has died. Sherlock had always been really close with Mother. Mycroft knew to be expecting a vist from the younger Holmes some point this week. They knew each other and would only show how they truly felt. But what most don't know is that they have a small intimate relationship going on.

Mycroft sighed and looked at his watch. It was very late at night and he had a meeting tomorrow. He got up and went to his room to change into pajamas. He grabbed a book and his reading glasses and climbed in.

After a few minutes there was a soft knock on the door. "Come in" he called out to who ever it was on the other side of the door. When the door open and there in the door way was a disheveled looking sherlock. Mycroft lifted the covers on the other side of the bed and motioned for his brother to get in. Which the later imediently did and clung to his brother's side. "It's going to be ok Sherlly" the auburn gently carded his hand into the others dark locks. Quiet sobs could be heard from his side. He shifted the younger into his lap and held Sherlock's head against his shoulder. Mycoft rocked him and whispered soothing things into his ear.

When Sherlock called down mycroft placed a kiss on his forehead. "Lets go get you cleaned up, you are definetly staying the night" Sherlock didn't put up a fight he wanted to stay. Sherlock let mycroft up and followed him into the bathroom. Mycroft started the shower for him and placed towel on the counter for him. "I am going to go grab some pajamas for you, if you need anything shout" when the auburn left sherlock undressed and climbed into the warm water. The water for rid of the tension and made him feel really sleepy.

Myc found a pair of pajama bottoms that Sherlock left here for when he stayed over. He grabed one of his own night shirts and them on the bed. He knocked on the bathroom door "Are you all right Sher?" He got a grunt in replie. At least he awnsered.

Mycoft got back into bed and went back to reading. Sherlock came out with the towel wraped around his waist and hair still dripping wet. Mycroft noticed but tried really hard to stay focused on the book. Sherlock got dressed and handed the towel to mycroft staying silent. He took the towel and patted the spot on the bed next to him. The younger day down and the older dried his hair with the towel. Once done they both laid down Sherlock laid his head on his brother's chest.

Mycroft settled his arm around his waist the other drawing lazy patterns on his upper back. "Rest now, I can tell you are exhausted" Sherlock shifted so his arm was across his brother's abdomen. "Promise to be here when I wake up?" Myc pressed a kiss to the top of his head "of course sher". They both soon fell asleep.

-timeskip brought to you by cake-

Sherlock's p.o.v.

When i awoke I felt terrible. My head was killing me and I felt more empty then usual. I opened my eyes and sat up only to get pulled back down by a pair of arms. "Sherlock ... it's to early for you to be up" I look over and see my brother laying there half awake. "Mycroft you have a meeting and John is probably worried about me" with a sigh he sat up and checked his phone

"it 7:30 I have to get ready around 8" I shifted so my head was in his lap. Mycroft automatically starts to play with my hair. "How are you feeling little brother?" His voice was quiet and gentle for once. "Not good, and my head is throbbing" "you did cry quite a bit that's probably why" i wrapped my arms around his waist. "I don't want to be alone. Can I stay with you today?" I heard mycroft start texting on his cell "Yes you can but John will hangout with you in my office till the netting is over" i just gave a nod.

We stayed in bed just enjoying being with each other. Mycroft checked the time "I have to get ready so should you" I rolled over and let him up. He went into the bathroom and I got up and grabed my duffle bag. I keep a set or too of clothes here for when I stay. I got dressed and went to look in the mirror. My eyes were swollen and puffy. I can't do anything for that. I attempted to fix my hair but I wasn't going to well.

"Do you want some help?" I saw mycroft behind me in the mirror. "Yes please" I took a seat on the bed and he fixed my hair. "There we go all done. Now let's go eat" Myc took my hand and less me to the dinning room where food was already laid out for us.

-time skip-

Mycroft left the conference room with Athena following behind. "Anymore meetings?" Athena quickly checked. "No sir" "good keep the rest of the day and tomorrow clear please" "Yes sir" when he got to the office the sight he saw made him smiles. Sherlock and John were playing cards and Rosie was in sherlock's lap playing with his nose. "Take the rest of the day off athena" "Yes sir" she left her boss and the others.

He sat at his desk unoticed and finshed up some paper work. It wasn't long till a baby was shoved into his lap. "Brother pray tell, why I have a child in my lap" Sherlock just laughed. "Mycroft she is not going to do anything" the old Holmes let out a sigh and left it be. Rosie started to tug on his tie lightly and giggles while doing so. "Find my time amusing?" She smiled up at him.

-to be continued

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