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Phil Coulson x OC

(During and after the avengers)

OC Bio

Name: Alister David Fulton
Active sheild agent
(can't leave the base by himself. Keep away from Tony stark)

Age: 28

Came from Iverness, Scotland.  He is 5'6, not musculer, kind of short Sandy blonde hair with hazel eyes, pale fair skin.  Orphan since 10. Only dresses in suits and fedoras. Looks like he stepped out of the 50's

Abilities: Mage (as he puts it)

Family: all deceased, Accident as far as we know

Phyc-evaluation: frequent Nervous break downs and panic attacks. Tends to go into a child like state of mind when they occur. Aka slipping

Triggers: Bad dreams, serious injuries, Being pushed away, talking about his family, Gun shots, extreme emotional distress.

Likes: Star Trek, teal, playing pranks on coulson, reading, animals.

Dislikes: Annoying girls, guns, bugs, yelling, Tony Stark, people who mix up star wars and star trek, talking about the past, being called kid.


Alister  just finish setting up a prank for a certain agent and was sitting in his room waiting for the results. The intercom came on over head. "Agent Fulton to the obervation deck please, Agent Fulton to the observation deck please". He couldn't help but chuckle to him self as he made his way to the deck. There next to fury was a angry Coulson in a lovely pink suit. "Hey Phil new suit? It suits you well" he said while holding in his laughter as much as possible. "Oh yes I thought I should wear more color" and he lost it his laughter bursting out. "Now that's enough Fulton change Phil's suit back to normal then you two will be going to check on Loki" he calmed himself down and released the spell phil's suit returning to navy blue.

We were half way there when the alarms went off. Phil turned on his comunicator. "What's going on coulson?" Phil grabbed the young man and dragged him to the lab "the brain washed men are attacking"  the older grabbed one of the alien guns and the both sprinted off. When they reached the holding area they saw Loki dealing the cell which has his brother inside. "Ahh son of coul and the Mage I'm afraid I must take my leave" Phil pulled the gun out and pointed it at loki "your not going any where"

Next thing Alister knew he was thrown against a wall and Coulson was ramed through by Loki. Said God disappeared, Alister went over to Phil "Phil! Stay with me please" Phil gave him a weak smile and chuckled "h-he got me good didn't he" "it's not funny" he pulled Phil into his lap not caring about the blood, pressing his hand to the wound. "Al don't you dare use magic"

"B-but you can't die" a tear falling down his cheek. "Yes I can, but you must know one thing first" Phil shifted to look at him better, he brought his hand his cheek and wiped away the tear. "I have and always will love you Alister. You may not feel the same way but that's okay, your here with me that's all I care about" using his remaining strength phil pulled Alister down and pressed a kiss to his lips. So hesitated at first but kissed him back but soon Phil stopped kissing him, his hand slipped away from him limp. "Love you to phil" he checked for a pulse there was none and he was gone. Just like the rest. Alister's mind started to slip. He was no longer an adult but a child trapped inside a adult body.  They where found by fury who had to drag him from the body.

It's been acouple weeks since phil's furneral. Alister hasn't left his room after that. He hasn't slipped into a child mind in a while, which is a good thing, according to the mandatory therapist. The whole war with the aliens finished he didn't participate in it. Some one is constantly with him. To be honest it is driving him insane. Why can't a grown man grieve by himself for a while.

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