X Male! Reader 2

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Neko!Sherlock x reader

You lay on the pavement, shaking and shivering in the dark. Pain irradiating from you abdomin. You ran through the events leading up to this in your mind. You were driving down a quiet street on a dark rainy night, next you saw a person  collapsed in the middle of the road. you got out to help them, they pulled a gun  and you ended up on the ground now lieing in a pool of blood and rain water.

Not knowing how long it's been, you start to give up hope on living. You close your eyes and just wait for the end. "Sherlock, there is someone in the road!" You hear a familar voice shout. Running footsteps get closer and closer. "Shit, Give me your scarf sher" a gentle hand sets it's self in your stomach. "But John-" "He is going to die if you don't!" The hand was soon replaced   with a cloth pressing down on the bullet hole.  "Hold on Detective, I'm going to call an ambulance" That scared you, Ambulance means hospital, hospital means phone call to family, family means your ill Father being worried and becoming .ore sick. Knowing this you try your best to change their minds "N-no ambulance....N-no hospital....Please d-don't let him call Sher" You atempted to sit up but was pushed back down. "John let's get him to the flat, we can deal with this there" You didn't get to here the other's reply be for you blacked out.

You woke up to hearing loud banging coming from some where. First thing you do is reach over to find your kitten, he always sleeps with you. He wasnt there meaning he was making all the noise. You open your eyes and look around, not a hospital, thank god. But you knew John was going to come back. Sitting up, you feel a sharp pain from and slightly bloody bandage on your stomach. 'Great another scar to add to my collection' Pressing your hand against it you stand up and make your way out of the bedroom.

Once in the living room you sit down in John's old chair. The consulting detective shot the wall one last time before coming over to you. "Sorry (Y/N)" He mumbled looking at the ground "I know, where's my shirt?" Sherlock kneeled down next to the chair. "destroyed" You let out a sigh. "Their goes my last work shirt"  The taller man chuckled "Your only work shirt" "yep, have to buy more later" You ran your hand through the man's curly hair. "(y/n), I got really worried when you didn't come straight home like you usually do after work"  you could tell the event was still bothering him.

you made a small gesture for him to get up on your lap, which he did automatically. You wrapped one arm around his waist, with you free hand you pulled his head down to you shoulder. His legs hung over the arm of the chair and was extremely careful of your wound. "Sherlock, sweetheart." You spoke softly, he long black tail wrapped around your waist. "I won't leave you I promise, I won't be like the others." with the hand holding his head you gently rub his soft black cat ears, it wasn't long till you felt tears on you shoulder. "shh, kitten it's okay to cry, I know how scared you were"

You and Sherlock didn't move from that spot. you just sat and played with his dark inky hair.


When you met Sherlock you had just moved from Ireland. Your father has gotten very at the time your mother who was also a neko, had his passed. it was your very first day on the job and of course you for stuck with a double homicide right away. Lucky you. As soon as you step foot on the crime scene your greater with yelling.  Going to the body there were to people already there telling at Anderson. You don't blame them he's not very nice.

As soon as Anderson saw You come over he made you take over. you looked up at the two men only to find they were starring at you. "First day, Just moved here from Ireland, Why?". you smiled up at the man "Da became ill after mum passed" He seem shocked you weren't suprised he knew that. "So anything you can tell from the body Mister...."  "Holmes, Sherlock Holmes"

After that case you started to grow more protective over him. You couldn't figure out why you just were. But you soon figured it out. Sherlock drug you along to catch a thief. You being clumsy tripped while running rendering yourself unconscious. when you came too you where in sherlock's flat on his couch. rolling into your side you were greated with a very scared Sherlock sporting a pair of soft looking cat ears. Now you understood why you where protective. You were his soul mate. Just like Your mom and dad where. You plan on taking care of this man for the rest of you life.

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