x Male! Reader 1

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Mycroft x male reader
(y/n)= Your name
(L/n)=Your last name
(N/n)= Nickname
(H/c)= hair color
(E/c)= eye color

You are an American Chemistry and Biology teacher. Named (y/n) (L/n) age 27, also a bisexual man. Who just recently moved to England, to get far away from your family and many other things. You moved in to a flat on Baker street, 221C to be exact. You also were able to obtain a job at the local high school. You never intended to meet your neighbors, but one night you were coming home late from a meeting and ran face first into some one. Then fell onto your arse. "Oww, watch were your going" "Maybe you should" you looked up to see a tall, pale, dark haired man next to him was a lot shorter sandy blond man. You stood up and dusted off. The shorter man extended his hand to you. "you must be the new neighbor. I'm John Watson and this is Sherlock holmes" Smiling you introduced your self "I am (Y/n) (L/n), plesure to meet you" Sherlock was innhis phone, and you could tell he was getting impatient "Well (Y/n) why don't you come over for dinner tomorrow night, we can all get to know each other better" "sure John i would love to" with that the pair was off and you want back to your flat.

You were on your way to dinner at Sherlock and John's flat when your phone was rang. When you looked at the screen you saw it was your Younger brother. you imediently "Danny What's up?" you wera greeted with sniffling  "(y/n) it's....it's Sabrina...she was in a bad car accident the yesterday...she didn't make it, the doctor said she was to far gone" Sabrina was your Younger sister, twin to Danny, you were basically their mother and father to them. But they made you move away when they saw the a good opportunity for you. You suddenly couldn't stand any more the world around you started to fade. Next thing you know you were falling but something or someone caught you. "Hey sir are you okay?" you couldn't awnser tears just keep pouring down your face. Your only sister now gone at the age of 17. You heard a door open in the distance "Mycroft, what happened?" said a fimilar voice "He fainted Doctor Watson" awsered a voice next to your ear. "Bring him inside then" 

You were then picked up, and you automatically clung to this person and hid your face in their chest, crying quietly. Pretty soon you were sat on a couch John kneeling in front of you. "(y/n), Its me John, could you tell me what happened?" He was examing you in the process. "I was on my way over when my younger brother called..... My sister his twin just died yesterday because of a car accident. it was to munch to process at once" You try not to cry again. But your land lady was in the room just dropping off some tea, she instantly wrapped you in a hug. A few tears come out  "Glad Mycroft was there to catch you then, or you would be in the hospital" you looked over to the man called mycroft. He was also tall and had auburn hair, by the suit he wore he was someone inportant, his demeanor was chilling, but something about him drew you in.  "I'm sorry Mycroft for making you carry me and also for crying on you" you look down at the floor "Mister (L/n)  its okay I understand what your going through"

On your way home Sherlock made Mycroft walk you there. Even though it was a door down. "So tell Mister (L/n). why did you leave America?" You sighed you knew someone would ask sooner or later. "My Sibblings made me, I was always stuck at home taking care of them. My parents never around getting drunk or high. They saw an oppertunity when a School wanted to give a College student a teaching job abroad. With a heavy heart I took it" Mycroft nodded, there on your door step you turned around and looked into the Dark blue gray eyes with you (E/c) ones. Something just clicked, on impulse you leaned up and kissed his cheek. "See you later Mycroft" you went inside leaving a blushing Holmes on your door step.

That leads to now a few long months later. You are sitting on the bed in your boyfriend's home, grading a bunch of tests. The door down the stairs opens and closes. "(y/n) I'm back" he called out "I'm Up here!" You yelled back.  you heard him come up the stairs and enter. You look up and watch him hang up his jacket and put away his shoes. He comes over and lays down on the stomach, mindful of all the papers. "Rough day?" All you got was a tired groan, that was all you needed to know. chuckling, you more closer to him and with your free hand, you gently play with his hair while you grade. He instantly relaxes like he always does when you do this. After awhile he shifts so his head is resting on your Thigh. "Love you (y/n), glad I caught you" Smiling you look over to him "love you too Myc, glad you caught me" you leaned down and pressed a kiss to the side of his head. Making him smile a small smile.

By the time you finish grading Mycroft was out like a light. Happy he's finally getting some well needed sleep, you gently move him to his side of the bed and pack up the papers and pens. As soon as you curled against him and off the light , his arms wrap around you snugly. Your glad your sibblings forced you to take the job or you wouldn't have met this wonderful man.

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