Where are you now?

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Mr. Gold x Killian

Gold looked at his watch, sighing when he saw it was time to close. He leaned on his cane heavily as he walked over to the door. Flipping the sign on his way out and locking up. The powerful man only had one thing on his mind, a call. Rumple for into his car and drive off to his big empty house. Once inside he took out his cell and automatical pressed call.  It rang a few time before some one awnsered. "It took you long enough" he spoke in a soft tone. "Sorry I left my phone below deck to charge" came the replie of a familar smooth voice. "it's okay, just got home anyway."

The older man hung up his jacket and made his way to the kitchen. "How was the shop today?" He heard the bird crys in the back ground. "Same as always, slow and quiet" He grabbed the kettle off the stove and filled it with water. The man on the other end could here the saddness in his voice. "just a few more days and I will be back I promise, this is my last run I will be all yours for the rest of my life" this made him smile. "It better be, I don't know what I would do if it wasn't."  Rumple set the kettle on the stove to boil. The phone was  silent then, each of them just enjoying knowing the other was just on the opposite end.  Gold broke the silence. "where are you now?" The sailor chuckled. "a few days from the coast, that's all you need to know" He let out a small laugh. Pretty soon they had to hang up.

Rumple went  to the map in the study. The room it's self has a mixture of his antiques and books, with telescopes and compassess, along with a few other pirate related Items. His eyes looked at the recent pin in the map with countless others. This pin was on the islands of Caribbean. It was just last month his sailor had left to go there. The idea of holding him for the first time in awhile would not leave his mind. That night he fell asleep to dreams of his lover.

A few days later good Gold sat in his usual booth in grannies for his lunch break. His best friend Belle sitting across from him. "he will be back soon Rumple, so stop worrying" he let out a sigh "I am not worrying that much, am I?" belle gives him a small smile "just a little" Rumple rubs his eyes. "I can't help it i guess, been through this how many times now?" Ruby set their foor down in front of then. Each got a hamburger and an ice tea.

Rumple sat in his work shop, in the back. He couldn't help but think how killian and him met.
It was the day his son got really sick, he took him to the hospital and Bae ended up sharing a room. Killian had just lost his hand in an accident out on a fishing boat he worked on. Rumple spent a good amount of time there and they ended up talking. Eventually they exchanged numbers and became friends. Killian  came to visit the father and son often. But things took a change for the worst, Bae never got better. Killian was visiting that day upon the boys request. When he walked into the room there sat Rumple crying quietly with the boy's bed empty. The sailor imediently understood what has happened, and pulled the older man into his arms. He held him tightly and let him cry into his shoulder.
End of flash back

After that day Killian never left his side. Soon the sailor had to get back to work on the boats. Even now that he has a hook for a hand he some how managed just as well, maybe even better, then when he had to hands. they made a habit to check in with each other the same time every day when he was out at sea. This habit stayed till this day. He still doesn't know how this man even puts up with him.

since he was so lost in his thoughts, he didn't hear the bell above the door ring. Soon a familar voice speaking. "You just going to sit there crocodile?" Looking up he finally saw His hooked salior standing there. He stood up and leaned onto his cane, grining like a cat. They met halfway hook wrapping his arms around the shorter man. Rumple leaned up and pressed a kiss to his lips. "welcome home dearie" Killian smiled "glad to be back"

That night the pair went out for a walk along the docks. Killian pulled His jacket tighter around him. "cold, captain hook?" The sailor blushes and looks away. "slightly" he mumbled. Rumple stopped for a moment and took of his scarf. He held it out to him, which the other graciously took and put it on. "better?" "very".  The younger of the two took the crippled man's hand and they continued on their walk. The sailor always remained by the spinner's side the rest of his years.

one-shots/Short stories (boy×boy only)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora