Chapter 23: falling and an egg drop

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Tyson didn't expect to get a call from Dylan before lunch, but he answered as Alcott and he were finishing the last round of cookies.

"Dylan, what's up?"

"I don't know if I can make the baskets game," she said, sounding a little faint.

"What? Are you sick? Do you need something?"

"No, I'm just not feeling well," she managed.

Tyson glanced at Alcott who also frowned at the holo-rib. If Alcott was worried, then Tyson wondered if Dylan, for whatever reason, was about to relapse.

"I'll be over in five minutes and bring cookies," Tyson decided.

"Oh no, I'm pas mal, it's just..."

"Five minutes," Tyson repeated and hung up on her.

"I'll make a plate," Alcott said, setting aside a dozen cookies. "Will you make the baskets game?"

"I'll message Keller to come get the cookies, but I hope to see him there, and with Dylan," Tyson replied. "Don't know what has happened, but I know that her sitting this out will not help. You're welcome to come, of course."

Alcott shook her head again and offered him the plate. "I can't go in there. But merci, I'll make sure Keller gets the cookies; couldn't have you go without, could I?"

"Thank you, Alcott. I'll see you soon."

He took the plate and hurried out the door, down the corridor, messaging Keller on the way. He wound around the base to Dylan's berth where he knocked. Dylan opened it, her eyes downcast.

"I'm fine," she told him. "Just...not good company right now."

"Dylan, you don't have to tough it out; what happened?" Tyson asked, entering her home to place cookies on the counter. "Also, you have to try these cookies; Alcott made them and they smell amazing."

"You haven't eaten one?" she inquired.

"No, Alcott wouldn't let me," he replied. "Do you want some water? I'm going to get some water."

He busied himself in the kitchen, pulling down glasses and noting that she probably hadn't eaten lunch yet. If she kept stonewalling him, that would be his next task. Tyson handed her a glass and leaned against the counter.

"I'm not going to leave until you explain," he remarked, taking a sip. "Alcott says I don't know how to let things go. Between you and me, she may be right."

Dylan sighed, running her hand through her short curls. "Levi and I had a fight. He walked out of the berth and I just...didn't get a word in and I'm sure he's right, but I don't know what to do about it, and I just feel like the worst partner ever because I'm not sure what we were fighting about." She took in a deep breath and let it out. "I'm trying to be calm and not burst into tears."

"I will admit, most couples counseling on Earth is different because they know that they can, if the couple wants to, separate and never see each other again," Tyson shrugged. "But I can help where I can."

"No, I..." Dylan cleared her throat. "I don't want to be one of your appointments that you have to then keep secret. I'd rather tell you because you're my friend."

Tyson wasn't sure there was so separate a difference, but nodded. Dylan gave her side of the fight, and it seemed to Tyson that Levi had done most of the talking, not letting Dylan give any sort of feedback as he accused her of ignoring their relationship. A couple tears fell down her cheeks, but she was always quick to wipe them away. Tyson send a quick message to Alcott, letting her know that Levi might need looking after.

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