Chapter 1 - The goodbye party

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Chapter 1

(Meredith’s POV)

Summer of 2008

As I walked back to my dorm room after studding at the library, I was pretty excited for the goodbye party we were holding for Nick, B-Hol and Eric later because they were graduating tomorrow. A part of me really wanted to just have a nice calm goodbye party for the guys, but if I knew my friends right then it would so much more than a calm party. The thought of the 3 of them leaving made me sad, because so far we spend 3 years together here at UofM and now they were leaving. But as I opened the door to my room I put on a brave smile, and was almost turned over by what seemed like a flying Lo who was jumping up and down screaming “SUMMER IS FINALLY HERE EEEEEP!” I couldn’t help but smile and just give her a hug and say “I know Lo, I know. But I’m still a bit sad tho” Lo looked at me with a strange look on her face and asked me “How come? I mean when we return after the summer I’m still here and so are everyone else except form Nick, B-Hol and Eric, come on Mere don’t be sad, it’s almost time to party!” “Okay, okay Lo then let’s get ready and get down to the theater” Lo jumping around just made me forget all about being sad.

As we got to the theater we walked in, only to see that the only two persons already there was AJ and Ali. Something deep inside me, made me look secretly around, I’m not sure what or who I was looking for though. A couple of minute’s people started to arrive. We all greeted each other, as they arrived. After some hours, people was getting a little bit drunk, including me, Lo and Jaime suddenly jumped up and screamed out at the same time “LET US PLAY A GAME! WHO IS UP FOR SPIN THE BOTTLE?” You could hear from some of the others that they were on to it, but some people were not into that game, but somehow Jamie got us all to participate. As we sat down on center stage and formed a big circle. Joey came out from backstage with a bottle in his hands and a devilish smile across his face.

As the game started, people spun the bottle and they all keep doing different things. When it was my turn, I was nervous of what my dare was going to be. There was a bit of death silence, until Julia laughed and said “you shall kiss the person on the lips on the one the bottle lands on, and I’m not just talking about a small quick kiss on the lips, but a long kiss” at the moment Julia said that, a “uhhhh” went thought everyone else, except me, I could feel the butterflies in my stomach start to ply around. I took a deep breath and spun the bottle. It kept on spinning and spinning until it landed on B-Hol. He just sat there smiling at me, as I leaned forward to kiss him. The moment our lips touched I felt like the world just stopped for a moment and we were the only two people in the theater, in the mean time I could feel how electricity went from his lips to mine and down my spine. The kiss felt like it went on for hours. A part of me didn’t want this kiss to stop at all.

When we finally pulled apart I slowly pulled apart I could feel my cheeks were a little bit red. I kept on thinking to myself, “what is going on here? B-Hol is just a friend I shouldn’t be feeling like this?” the party went on, and all in all this was the best way to say goodbye to the 3 guys. I was really gonna miss all 3 of them next year. But I knew we all would reunite next year for a musical Nick and his brother Matt had written called “Harry Potter the Musical” so maybe it wasn’t gonna be so bad after all.

As Lo and I walked back to our dorm room I could feel a hand grab my arm as we were about to leave the building. I turned around to see Dylan standing there. As I turned around he smiled at me and said “Mere hold up a second, can I talk to you for just a second?” all I could for a second was nod my head and smile. A few seconds later Lo came skipping back in and saw me standing there with Dylan, and say “Oh, oh okay I just leave you two love bugs alone for a moment, Mere I’ll just meet you back at our room” and then she skipped away.

When we finally were alone, Dylan took my hand, looked me in the eyes and said, “look Mere, I need to tell you something okay? Since we first met the first day at college, I thought that you were a very pretty girl, we have been friends in what feels like forever, and you’ve always been there for me when I need you. Look Mere what I’m trying to say to you, is that I really like you a lot. Would you go out with me?” I stood there as if I was frozen to the spot, I was not sure what I was supposed to say, so I just looked him in his eyes and said “sure” as I said that he leaned in and gave me a kiss on my lips. The funny part of it was I didn’t feel that electricity down my spine, but I just shook the thought out of my head and just enjoyed the moment.

(Brian’s POV)

Today was the last day I had in college, tomorrow i was supposed to get up on the stage and receive my graduation papers and then I was finally a college graduate. Tonight we was supposed to have a get together at down at the theater as a goodbye to Nick, Eric and I. I really didn’t wanna go and get all sentimental with my friends, but maybe this was the last night at college.

When I arrived at the theater everyone else was there and already at a very good mood. I found my way around the stage and greeted everyone there. The last person on the stage was Mere, since I saw here on her first day here at UofM when she walked in the theater, I always thought she was the most beautiful girl in the whole world.

Suddenly Lo and Jaime decided to play sin the bottle, and so we did. When it was time for Mere to spin the bottle I couldn’t help but pray in my head that the bottle would land on me when I heard she had to kiss the person it landed on. She spun the bottle and my prayers must have been heard, because the bottle landed on me. I could feel how my smile grew on my face the closer she got to my face. We kissed, and it was the best kiss I’ve ever had. I could feel how my lips started to tingle of her gentle touch on my lips and I could feel how electricity came down my spine. As she slowly pulled apart I could feel how my heart skipped a couple of beats as I sat there looking in her eyes.

After the party everyone said goodbye to each other. After AJ and I cleaned up, I headed for the door, I heard Dylan talking to someone, so I walked slowly and quietly behind the wall, to leave him and the person he talked to alone. When he mentioned Mere’s name I could feel how a stone dropped from my heart, I could hear how he asked her out, I hold my breath and waited for an answer. When she didn’t answer immediately I leaned towards and saw how Dylan was kissing my girl. I could feel anger build up inside me, as I stormed out of the theater and down to my dorm room. This wasn’t supposed to happened, I was the one who was supposed to ask Mere out, I was the guy who she deserved not Dylan. How could he?

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