Chapter 11 - The New Girl

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Chapter 11

(Meredith's POV)

That night when it was time to leave the theatre Dyl had already left before me and haven't even said a word to me since his talk with Bri. I knew I had to get home and talk with Dyl about it, but I really didn't feel like going home. All I wanted was to run away as fast as I could and never return.

When I got out of the dressing room and reached the stage, I was convinced that I was the only one left. I reached the stage when I heard a voice say "Meredith I thought you left with the others" I stopped up and turned around to see Jaime sitting all by herself in one of the chairs. I walked over to her and sat down next to her and said "no, I really don't wanna go home" Jaime smiled at me and said "why not?" I took a deep breath and said "to make a long story short, I know I have to go home and be yelled at of Dyl, to be honest I don't think we are engaged anymore" Jaime looked at me shocked and said "what happened friend?" I just shook my head at her and said "I don't wanna talk about it okay. But hey what are you still doing here?" Jaime smiled at me and said "okay. Well I was supposed to meet Lauren afterwards and her and I was supposed to go out for and get drinks, but she decided to run off with Joey instead, so here I am all alone" for a second I thought 'here is my get away' but I let go of the thought because I knew I had to get home and have to talk to Dyl so I said to her "well I wish you I could go out with you, but I think I need to get home and talk with Dyl" and by that she gave me a hug and said "okay, good luck. See you tomorrow" and by that I left the theater.

As I walked home from the theater I chose the longest ways home, I feared the moment I was walking home to. When I reached our apartment I took a deep breath and thought 'I need to do this, this is it' and then I walked inside. When I walked inside I expected to find Dyl in a mess and him ready to shout at me when I entered the apartment. It was nothing like that. When I got inside I found most of the apartment in darkness, it was only lit up by candles which made a path for me. I followed the path out into the kitchen where I found Dyl sitting in one end off out table all dressed up and a nice dinner on the table. As I walked in he got up and said "for you my lady" and then he pulled out my chair so I could sit down. After he had pulled my chair in under me and got back to his own spot I smiled at him and said "babe what is all this for?" Dyl laughed that turned into a smile and then he said "I just wanted to make sure my future wife have something nice to eat that is all "I could feel how my cheeks started to blush a bit and then I said" well thank you good sir"

After the dinner he followed me into our living room. He put our favorite movie on and sat down next to me. I looked over at him and sent him a big smile, he leaned over to me and said "Mere I feel like the luckiest guy in the whole world to be here with you right now, I love you Meredith Elyse Stepien" I could feel how my stomach started turning I knew I had to come clean with him. I paused the movie and turned myself so I was facing him, took a deep breath and said "I know Dyl, but I need to talk to you" before I could say anything else he got up and almost shouted at me "I knew it! Brian was right wasn't he? I thought he was just joking around, but he was right wasn't he?" I could feel how my tears started rolling down my cheeks. I nodded at him, and said "believe me Dyl it wasn't supposed to happen, I belong here, come on honey please" he just stood there staring at me, and then he said the words I have been waiting for him to say but hoping he might not have "Meredith I want you to take your stuff and leave now, and please give me that ring back. You and I are done!" and by that he left me alone in the living room. I curled up in a little ball on the couch and started crying. I didn't wanted this to happen. After a while I got up and started packing my things.

As I was about to leave the house Dyl stopped me and said "Mere please be honest with me for once, was any of this ever true? I mean did you ever really love me or was this just a lie?" I could see in his eyes he had been crying for a long time, I got over to him and gave him a hug, as I pulled myself away from him I said "I was true all of it, I do love you, it was a mistake kissing Brian I know and I promise nothing else happened okay? As soon as I woke up the next morning I left, I felt so bad. I'm so sorry Dylan, thank you so much for the last couple of years it has been an honor to be your girlfriend and fiancé. Goodbye Dylan" and by that I left what use to be our apartment.

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