Chapter 14 - I Know Who I'm Voting For

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Chapter 14
(Brian's POV)

I decided to walk away and don't question it. Apparently I couldn't trust her at all, that moment back at the manor when she took my hand I was sure that it was the way I had to go, forget Mere and move on with Lo and hopefully at some point I would be happy again. But the moment I overhead her conversation with Joey I knew I couldn't stay there, I could hear in her voice and in Joey's that they had something going on and they needed to be together, I shouldn't stand in the way. I know how it feels to have a crush on someone who is dating someone else, it's painful

After the show everyone left the theater pretty quickly and when I saw Dylan leave in a hurry shouting "wait up, I'm coming now" I was convinced him and Mere had figured everything out. I let myself fall into one of the chairs in the theater in hope that no one would see me, "so are you coming or what?" I heard Nick ask behind me, I turned around so I faced him and said "I need some time to think, I'll just... I mean I'm just... you know what just go, I'll catch up with you guys later okay?" "Okay I'll meet you back at the manor" and by that left the theater. In that moment I was sure I was the only one back and that everyone had already left. So I got up and started to clean the stage and started to sing 'The Way I Do' very quietly. That was until I heard a small noise I turned around to locate it but there wasn't any people around me so I continued cleaning. Not long after I felt someone hugging me from behind, I turned around and saw the only person I wanted to see. Mere.

As I turned around I was embarrassed into a lovely Mere hug. Even tho she had been onstage in her costume and probably sweated as much as everyone else she has this heavenly smell over her. As she hugged me I would do anything for her to never let go of me, I wished and prayed that her and I could stay in this hug alone in this theater forever, but that wasn't was would happen. As quick as I turned around as quick she pulled apart. She took my hand, and as she did I could feel my whole body explode with fireworks. She pulled me over to two chairs and then she sat down, and I did the same. As I sat down she smiled at me and said "You look sad, what's the matter my friend?" it was strange but as she said the word friend to me, I could feel how my heart broke even more. I wanted her to be more than just my friend, I wanted to be the one on her mind every day, and I wanted to be the one she would wake up next to every morning. I knew that it would never happen, I had seen how she had dressed up to get Dylan to talk to her, I just needed to forget all about her and move on, and hopefully be able to stay friends with her "oh nothing, I'm just heartbroken nothing more" I said to her, once more she pulled me into a tight hug and said "if there's anything, and I mean anything I can do, tell me" as she pulled away slowly, over heads were so close, 'this is my moment this is my chance' I thought to myself as I saw how close her head was to mine, as I was about to lean in for a kiss, I remembered how hurt she was the last time I kissed her. It killed me to know that if I didn't kiss her now I would probably regret it, and if I did she would once more be miserable because a kiss wouldn't help her chances with Dylan. I mean she's my friend and all I want is for her to be happy. That's what friends do right? If she wanna be with Dylan and not me she shall be with him. So instead of moving all the way in I started moving my head back that was when it happened she was the one leaning in and gave me a kiss. As her lips touched mine I could feel everything freeze around us and my body exploding in fireworks. The next thing I did was probably the worst thing I've ever done, I pulled away from her and said "look Mere I can't do this, I was the reason you and Dylan broke up, I won't be the person standing in the way of you and him getting back together" she looked at me and said "but Bri..." I stopped her and said "unless you can tell me right now that you don't have feelings for him anymore and you want this to happen, I can't go on with this, I'm so sorry Meredith" and by that I got up and left her alone back in the theater.

When I got back to the manor I saw that Nick was still up, he was sitting in the living room and watching TV. As I got in and sat down next to him in the couch he turned the volume down on the TV turned to face me and said "so how... wait a second, is that lipstick? Who have you been seeing Mr.?" I quickly wipe it away and said "no one, I'll head to bed okay" and as I was about to get back up nick said "wow Brian you don't seem okay, wanna talk about it buddy?" "I... I..." I stuttered at him but he just said "its okay buddy, come on and let me help you with it" I fell back in the couch as I started to tell everything about what happened with Mere back at the theater, Nick pulled me into a hug and said "look buddy, I wish I wish I knew what exactly to tell you to make this alright, but I don't. I know you had this crush on her since college, but if she chooses to be with Dylan you have to let it go and just be her friend okay?" I nodded my head and got up as I said "okay" I then left the living room and went to bed.

As I got under my blanket I saw an incoming text

Cam: I miss you! I'm leaving tomorrow night, can I see you before I leave?

I smiled as I read the text, maybe this was the patch I need to follow, forget about Mere and spending my time with Camilla. So I texted her back

Brian: sure! Meet me down at the corner Starbucks like last time tomorrow at 1, see you there!

As I pressed sent I couldn't stop smiling. I plugged my phone into the charger and went to bed. Excited to see where this new path would take me in life. No more crying over Meredith, hopefully a new love life and staying friends with Meredith.

(Meredith's POV)

As I heard him singing I moved a bit closer without him seeing me. He must have heard me because he stopped doing what he was doing and looked around, I was still standing so he couldn't see me, so he continued doing what he was doing. I took a deep breath as I thought to myself 'what is he doing here?' I leaned a bit out so could better see him and thought 'is the boy crying?' I couldn't understand anything. So I walked out and over to him as quietly as I could, I took a deep breath and hugged him from behind. He looked like someone who could really use a friend, so I decided to be that friend. I know I told him to just be friends, but he was here all by himself and looked like someone who could really use a friend.

As he turned around I pulled away from him. I took his hand and pulled him over to two chairs and then we sat down. As we sat down I smiled at him, to make him smile back and then I said "You look sad, what's the matter my friend?" he was silent for a long time, I was afraid of what he was gonna say, what if he started telling me that it was my fault he was so sad. If all this sadness was all because I told him I didn't wanted to be his friend anymore, he then said very quietly "oh nothing, I'm just heartbroken nothing more" I once more pulled him into a hug and said "if there's anything, and I mean anything I can do, tell me" I saw how he started moving closer to me, then he stopped and instead of moving all the way in he started moving back that was when I decided to lean in and give him a kiss. As our lips touched I once more felt that spark I felt back in college at the goodbye party, and that was when it happened I saw him pull away as he said "look Mere I can't do this, I was the reason you and Dylan broke up, I won't be the person standing in the way of you and him getting back together" I looked at him and said "but Bri..." he cut me off by rising his hand and then he said "unless you can tell me right now that you don't have feelings for him anymore and you want this to happen, I can't go on with this, I'm so sorry Meredith" I couldn't get myself to say that, my head was so confused I know I wanted to be with Bri but still a part of me wished all of that with Bri hadn't happened and that I was still together with Dyl. Before I could say anything I saw how Bri got up and walked out of the theater. As I sat there I could feel how my tears started to roll down my cheeks. None of this was supposed to happen. Since that day back in college I had spent almost every day hoping that Bri would confess his feelings for me and we could be together. But here I was and he had just confessed to me how he felt and gave me the opportunity to do the same and I screwed everything up with not saying anything.

I got up and pulled out my phone, I need a place to stay tonight that wasn't the manor, anything where I knew Bri or Dyl wouldn't be was alright with me. So I called Jade "Mere! You never call this late, what's the matter my dear?" I took a deep breath and said "everything, would you guys mind if I come over and stay the night?" "Sure, come on over my dear" and then I hung up and left the theater and headed to Jades.

As I go to her house she was standing outside waiting for me with a blanket and my favorite coup of tea. As I reached her she pulled me into one of the tightest hugs she had ever given me. We walked into their living room and sat down on their couch. She looked at me with a little smile as she said "so tell me, what all this everything is about" and that's when I told her everything that's been going on since that day back in college. The story of how Bri and I kissed that day and how I went out with Dyl the next day, and then every single thing that's been going on since then all the way up to today at the theater. When I finished my story Jade just looked at me and said "my sweetest Mere why haven't you come to me sooner? You clearly need a real friend, why don't we go get your stuff at the manor tomorrow and you can move in here? Get your head together and then decide upon Dylan or Brian. I know who I'm voting for but you need to follow your heart my dear" and then she pulled me into another tight and lovely hugs.

I knew she was right, I needed a couple of days away from the manor and everyone to get my head together. I need to figure out what and who my heart was gonna tell me to go for.

Could this be love? - A Breredith fan-fiction <3Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora