Chapter 4 - The End Of The School Year

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Chapter 4

(Brian's POV)

I woke up after what felt like only a couple of hours sleep and sat up in my bed. I look over to see Nick still sleeping in his bed. As I became more awake it became more and more clear to me that, what had happend the last couple of days wasn't a bad dream at all. The girl of my dreams had been on a date with someone else and they were probably dating now. I was in desperate need to talk to someone, so I put on my clothes and my sneakers and went out in search for someone who was up that could talk to me.

As I came outside into the fresh morning air my brain was working hard on choosing a friend who would care for me enough to listen to my problems this early in the morning. My brain decided on Lo first, but that thought was quickly gone again, since she lives with Mere and I didn't wanna be reminded of Meres beautie. So I decided that Rosenthal and Joey had to bee up, so walked to their dormroom.

As I reached their door I could hear that they were defiantly up, because Blink 182 was blasting out through the door. So I decided to just walk in, because they probably wouldn't hear me knock. When I opened their door, I found two boys in completely panick, it looked like they haven't packed a single thing yet. When they finally saw me Joey looked stressed out but still managed to smile at me, he threw a pillow at Rosenthal and said "hey look who decided to drop by!" Rosenthal looked out from his boxes and smiled "hey it's the man with the coolest first name in the world!" I could help my self, I had to laugh at these two. They were the biggest goofballs I've ever met.

Joey turned down the music to a level where you could actually hear each other without yelling. He moved a couple of boxes away so there was room to sit down. I slowly walked over and sat down in the cleared spot. Both Joey and Rosenthal came over and did the same. Joey looked at me and said "so what bring you to our humble yet cossy room at this time in the morning?" Rosenthal laughed as I looked down at my feet and very quietly responded "well see there is this girl that I really like and, and" Joey cut me off and said "wow me too!" Rosenthal looked madly over at Joey and said "hey Jo please calm down, this isn't about you, Bri here was trying to tell us something. Jo we wil deal with your problems later okay?" Joey nodded quietly and Rosenthal continued "please Bri tell us the rest, we are here for you." I took a deep breath and continued "and well yesterday she went out on a date with another person, and sure I was glad to see her happy and stuff but I was so angry, I mean I was the one who should have asked her out, not him! Please guys I could use some help getting her out of my thoughts, can you help me?" There were a couple of minutes in total silence while Joey and Rosenthal just looked at each other. Finally Rosenthal looked at me and said "sure everything for a humble gentleman like yourself" The three of us continued talking for a couple of hours until there suddenly was a knock on there door room, it turned out to be Rosenthals parents ready to pick him and Joey up. So we said our goodbyes and I left to get back to my own door room and wait to be picked up by parents.

As I came back to my room, I found it completely empty except from Nick who was sitting on the floor in the middle of the room with two sodas in his hands. As I walked in he laughed at me and said "oh I was wondering when you would return, looks like you made it in time, your parent and I are finished carrying out all if our stuff, they are down in the car ready to take us to Chicago, and it looks like your soda is still cold" he handed me the soda and said "here" I took the soda and sat down next to him on the floor. We looked around the room and I said "I can't believe that it's been four years already since I first walked into this room, only to find you hanging those High School Musical posters up on the wall" we both looked over at the spot in the wall where for four years the poster had hung. Nick looked back at me and said "me neither, but here let us cheer for the future!" He held up his soda bottle and so did I "to the futur, to a future filled with good memories and friendships that last" I said, and by that we clinged our bottles against each other, drank up. Went down stairs to my parents, got into their car, and we then started our journey to Chicago and the manor.

(Meredith's POV)

The next morning I woke up to a text from Dylan
Dyl <3: Hey Mere thank you so much for last night, I had a really good time. So I was thinking if you would do me the honor and becoming my girlfriend? Love Dyl <3
I quickly decided to text him back
Mere <3: Hey Dyl. I had a really fun night too yesterday, and I would love to be your girlfriend. Love Mere <3

I knew that there weren't that fingerling feeling with Dylan as I had with B-Hol, but I just wanted it to be there, so I hoped that one day it will be there. I looked at the clock and saw that my parents could be here any minute now. So I got up and got dressed, I need to see Dylan before I left. So I got out my door room and went to Dylan and Darren's door room. As I reached their door and was about to knock, I saw Matt coming out from his room next door. He smiled at me and said "oh hey Mere! I thought you already left" I gave Matt a hug and said "no not yet, but any minute now I am. But have you seen Dylan around here somewhere?" Matt looked at me and said "yeah him and Darren actually just left, looks like you came a bit to late" for a second I just stood there and said "oh okay, I guess I'll see you around then, have a nice summer Matt" I gave Matt a goodbye hug and went back to my own room to wait for my parents. As I got back Lo was up and almost done taking her stuff down, to her parents car. As I walked into the empty room I
could feel a little tear running down my cheek. I don't know why I all of a sudden became so sentimental, but I did.

After some time Lo came back into the room. She smiled at me and said "well Mere I guess this is it for this year, I can't wait to see you in 2 moths" she came over to me with tears in her eyes. I hugged her as tight as I could and said "oh Lo please don't cry it's only 2 months, maybe even less, we can meet during the summer I promise you" Lo hugged me back and said "you, you mean that?" "Of course I do Lo you are my best friend" I told her and wiped the tears away from her cheeks. Lo looked up at me and said " thanks Mere you are my best friend too, but I got to go, my parents are waiting, bye!" And by that she was gone and I was all alone in my room. Quickly after Lo left my parents were there and we packed the car and soon after we were driving away from UofM and on into the summer.

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