Chapter 16 - 3 Months Later

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Chapter 16 - 3 Months Later

(Meredith's POV)

As my alarm clock woke me up that early that Thursday morning, I slowly sat up in my bed while I turned it off. As my body started to wake up I realized what had happened the past 9 months, back then I was an emotional wreck I couldn't stand being in the same room as Bri, I was living in Jade & Eric's small apartment. But now here I am after 9 months I have managed to spend 4 months in rehearsals looking at Bri without wanting to kill him. We have spent the last 4 months preparing our self for this tour around, we have been spending much more time rehearsing music than we had ever done before and I even managed to get my own apartment. As my eyes finally got use to staying open and to the light, I stretched out my hand and grabbed my glasses. I pushed my legs over the side of the bad as my phone started ringing, I jumped a bit in my bed because I wasn't expecting anyone to be calling me that early "hello" I answered my phone tiredly "Mere! Are you up or not? Joey and I are freezing out here!" I heard Lo say in the other end "outside? What are you talking about?" "We were supposed to pick you up remember? Everyone is waiting for us back at our place" "but, but I'm not ready yet" "then get ready, but first can we place come in? It's a really windy day" "okay" I said as I hung up and walked slowly towards my front door. As I opened up my front door, I saw how the tiny body of Lo squeeze in and almost running towards my couch, slowly behind her in a much more relaxed speed Joey became visible, "I am so sorry, she haven't sleep yet" he said as he followed her into my living room. As I closed the front door I mumbled to myself 'come on in, why don't you go sit in my couch' I shook my head and smiled as I walked towards the bathroom to make myself look more like a decent person.

After several minutes in my bedroom just looking and trying on everything I decided to call for help "LAUREN!" I yelled as I fell to the floor wanting to just crawl up in a ball and cry for a reason I wasn't even sure my body or brain knew. Not long after my bedroom door flew open and I saw the tiny person standing in the door way, after some time of her catching her breath for some reason she said "are you okay?" "No I'm not, I don't know what to wear, I don't know why this is such a big problem" Lo got over next to me and sat down, "maybe it has something to do with a special someone?" "Lauren don't go there, I'm done chasing that boy around, it's not gonna happen" "okay, okay I was just saying it you know" she got up and started looking at the mess I had made of my clothes "why don't we take this I mean we just have to go pack a bus and then drive for the most of today" I turned around and saw she was holding out my sweatpants and some t-shirt "okay" I said as I got up and started to change.

When all three of us sat in the car and was on our way Lo and Joey started to discuss everything about this tour, the places we were going to, the song we were gonna do and the bus situation, who was gonna go to which bus, all I did was look out the window thinking about how for the next month I wouldn't be seeing this place, other than the one stop we would had here in a couple of days. I was thrown out of my thoughts as we pulled up in front of Julia, Lauren and Jaime's apartment building and Walker decided to go knock hard on the window I was looking out of. As I got out of the car, I heard Julia say "finally, you guys we need to get going, come on" I just smiled at everyone not really paying too much attention to everything going on around me. All I really wanted was to going on around me. As the boys started to load all the equipment on to the busses, I grabbed my stuff and walked onto the bus and find myself a bunk. I placed all my stuff in a bunk and walked outside again to see if there was anything I could help with. As I got out, I grabbed a couple of backs and as we were about to go through the gate and onto the bus, the front gate closed, panic started to spread, luckily for us a nice elderly lady opened up the gate for us.

As everything was done being packed, people got onto their busses and we were ready to go. I was one of the last persons to get back on my bus, but as I walked in I saw everyone placing their stuff and making their bunk comfy, that's when I saw it, that when I saw who was having the bunk next to me 'oh no, not him, not here why?'

(Brian's POV)

As I arrived at Julia's apartment that morning I saw an apartment complex in complete chaos. There were boxes and bags everywhere. As I got closer to the big circle of people I looked around to see if I could see Mere anywhere, I felt a bit disappointed when I didn't find her in the crowd, I was thrown out of my thoughts by a voice "Brian! There you are, we thought for a second there you were lost buddy" I turned around to see Nick standing behind me, "no, no I know how to get here" I said with a smirk on my face "right the whole, we are dating no one shall know thing" "well now it's more like we were dating, no one shall know" "wait what happened?" Joey said with a strange look on his face. Jaime and I had been dating for a month and so, and we had decided to only let a few people know because, for some reason these guys all freaked out as soon as they would find out some of us were dating. Joey found out an afternoon where Jaime and I was supposed to be alone at her apartment but we were interrupted by Nick and Julia coming home, so Jaime and I ended up telling them, "oh no, it's nothing, just leave it okay?" I told him as I saw Joey, Lauren and Mere arriving. As the three of them arrived Julia almost ran towards them as she said "finally, you guys we need to get going, come on"

We started to lift in all the equipment onto the two buses. As I was rolling out a box, I saw Mere getting into one of the buses with her stuff, I knew I had to get into that same bus and get a place to sleep around her. All I wanted was to have her next to me. When I saw her walking out of the bus again, I quickly grabbed my own stuff, and snuck onto the same bus as she had just been in. As I placed my stuff in the bunk right next to hers, as I turned around I jumped because of chock, "well, well what do we have here?" Walker said as I turned around "uhm nothing" I said as I closed the curtains to my bunk, "to me it doesn't seem like nothing man" "look Joe please don't tell anyone okay, I just... it's nothing I promise" I said to him as I tried to leave the bus, he wouldn't let me, "Brian we are friends you know you can talk to me about everything" "I know, I just need to get her you know?" I said as I heard Joe started to laugh "oh yeah I know" "please don't tell anyone okay?" I said to him as I saw him walk of the bus nodding his head and laughing. I sunk to the floor of the bus thinking that it was all so hopeless, I would never had a chance with her again, why would she pick to be with me? She had already turned him down back at her engagement party. I heard people started coming onboard the bus so I stood up and walked into the back area and into the couch. Not long after I saw Mere step onto the bus, I was tempted to get up and go give her a hug, but then again it would seem too weird, so I stayed in my place as I saw how everyone started to pick out their bunk. As Mere reached her bunk I saw her stopping up and looking into min before she turned around and looked a bit confused. Was she happy or sad about this? I had no idea.

Could this be love? - A Breredith fan-fiction <3Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ