Chapter 3 - The Date

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Chapter 3
(Merediths POV)
After what felt like hours Lo was finally done with my hair and make up. As I got out from the toilet she looked at me with a big smile on her face "oh my god you look amazing Mere, I'm sure Dylan will think so too" as she said that I could feel my cheeks become a bit red and I send her a big smile and said "I hope he does" suddenly I looked at the time, "oh no Lo I'm running late! He can be here any minute now" she looked at me with a little bit of panic in her eyes as she quickly opened the door and pushed me out of it and right into something. There was a bang and I fell to the floor. It was first when a hand reached out to help me up I realised it was B-Hol. He looked like a person who haven't sleept for hours. I took his hand and he helped me up.
He just started staring at me and did nothing. My body screamed at me to fall into his arms and kiss him, but I couldn't I was suppose to go on a date with Dylan any minute now so I just ignored the feeling. B-Hol jumped a bit when Lo almost screamed into his ear. In that same moment I could swear he looked like he was gonna tell me something but got inturopted by Dylan coming down the halway to us. When he reached us he look at me and said "hey Mere you look beautiful today" and then he gave me a light kiss on my cheek and afterwards handed me this lovely little bouquet of light red lilies. I couldn't feel that electricity I felt last night with B-Hol but I ignored it, because Dylan was a handsome man and maybe the electricity would come with time. He then turned to B-Hol and Lo and said to them "now if you guys would excuse us, I have a date with this pretty girl to attend" and then he took my hand and we walked of to our date.
Dylan took me to this lovely little quiet spot on campus where he had sat up a romantic picnic. He was such a gentleman to me all evening. He maked sure I wasn't cold, I had enough to drink and eat. When it was starting getting dark he looked me in the eyes and said "look Mere I know you probably could get any guy on campus to go out with you but I just-" I cut him of with a kiss. As I kissed him I kept picturing me kissing B-Hol instead. 'Why is this happening to me' was the first thought I had in my head as we pulled apart. Dylan sent me a huge smile and I could see his cheeks becoming red. He was such a sweetheart. 'I need to make this work, maybe this will help me get the thought of B-Hol out of my head' I quickly thought to myself and smiled at Dylan and said "look Dylan I had an amazing time, but it's getting late and I need to get up early tomorrow morning before my parents comes to pick me up" Dylan looked at me and quickly got up while saying "sure, come let me follow you back to your dorm, a beautiful girl like you shouldn't walk alone at this time of the day" then he stretched out a hand and help me up. When I was up he leaned in and kissed me, and I kissed him back. 'Shit still no tingling feeling' I thought to myself as he kissed me. Once more I chose not to let it get me down. As we walked back to my dorm there was this very awkward silence between us. When we reached my doorm he looked me straight into my eyes and smiled while he said "I'm really happy that you would go out with me today, I had a really great time" and before I could say anything, the door behind me flew open and Lo jumped up and down while screaming "MY EYE, MY EYE, SPY TWO LITTLE LOVE BIRDS!" And she just kept on jumping up and down. Dylan looked at me, gave me a kiss on my cheek and said "goodbye Mere I can't wait for the summer to be over so I can see you again" and by that he left out doorm building.
Lo took my arm and almost ripped it off as she pulled me inside and placed me on my bed. She turned of every single light in the room, but left one on as she pulled a chair infront of my bed and turned the lamp to my face. I felt like I had commited a crime and now was being questioned at the police station. As Lo say down she asked me "so young lady, I want to know everything that happend on that date! Tell me I need to know" if I knew Lo right, I couldn't awoid this so I had to tell her. I sighed and told her everything. When I was done she starting screaming and said to me "I knew you two would make it work, you are so cute together!" And by that she got up and turned on every light again and started jumping up and down while singing stupied love songs. All I did was get into my pyjamas and went to bed.
(Brian's POV)
As Dylan walked of hand in hand with Mere I could feel how my heart just got heavier. I couldn't take this anymore, I needed to get away from this school now, I couldn't wait for tomorrow morning. Before I had a chance to move Lo grabbed me by my hand and said "Bri could you help me out with something?" I looked down at her brown eyes smiled at her and said "sure my little buddy, so what's up?" She smiled up at me and pulled me into the room. She pushed me down on her bed, sat down next to me and looked me into my eyes. 'What is she up to' I kept thinking to myself. I was as she heard my thoughts for a moment, for even before I was done thinking she said "look I know what you are thinking, but I need you to answer some questions about someone for me" I looked at her and smiled and said "sure, and who would that be?" "Well there is this boy I really, really like, and I think he likes me too, but I'm afraid to ask him out, and I was thinking maybe you knew something?" She said very quietly "I think I have an idea about who he might be, and from what I know he really, really likes you too" Lo looked at me with a smile to big for her face and said "but-" I cut her of with my hand and said "just go for it, I'm pretty sure it would work out" and by that I got up and left their doorm room. As I reached whats used to be Nick and mines doorm room, I still haven't thought of Mere for a couple of hours, not until I got into our empty dorm room and with Nick looking and me and asking "so did you tell her?" And by that question everything came back into my head, the date she was on and the kiss we shared last night. All I could manged to get out was a sigh and Nick going "oh that bad" I noded and then went to bed in hope that it all might just be a bad dream.

Could this be love? - A Breredith fan-fiction <3Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora