Clove 2 (Chapter 5)

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I am pushed into a room and My mom comes in.

"win for district 2" she says.

"I will" I said.

"Okay" then she leaves. No one else comes. No one. I don't have anyone else I wait and wait.

I'm put on a train and I go to my room. It has cool gadgets and I take a shower. After that I pull on a blue shirt, white pants and a red hoodie. Soon Cala knocked on the door. I had to eat. I groan.

"Get up" Cala says.

"I'm not sleeping!" I say.

"well get out here then"

"Okay" so I do. I go to the table and sit down.

"hello" My mentor Magie says.

"hi" I say.

"what can you do?"

" I can shot arrows and throw knives."

"Okay. show me." I throw a knife at a beam and it hits where I wanted it.

"Aim for that beam over there."

"Where on the beam?"

"right before it hits that beam." I throw the knife and it hits there.


"I know" I fill up on the food and go back to my room to sleep. finally we get to the capitol and it is a big shining city. We stop in front of a large building and we go inside.

Clove, Katniss, Foxface and RueWhere stories live. Discover now