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chinsun looked at her locker bewildered with her friends behind her. her locker had flowers all over it. her favorite flowers, peonies. some were taped to the locker while the others were scattered around it.

she took one off the locker door and held it close to her nose. the scent of the flower sent her nostalgic thoughts, remembering the first time she smelt this flower. it was given to her by her father on her 5th birthday.

she looked around trying to find the person behind this, and just in time, taehyung appeared smiling his signature box smile with his friends behind him. all of them held a peony, they all handed one to her, taehyung being the last one to hand her one.

chinsun smiled widely, looking up at taehyung—who was towering over her small frame.

"did you do this?"she asks.

"uh, yeah. i did,"he replied.

chinsun was surprised with his action.


"i like your smile. i like seeing you smile,"taehyung complimented causing chinsun's cheeks to turn as pink as the flowers she held in her hand.

chinsun groaned,"you're so cheesy. but thank you,"she kissed his cheeks as a sign of her thanks.

she walked away, towards their class with delana, kiki, and kaat next to her. they loudly teased her, catching everyone's attention.

taehyung looked at his friends for conformation, they laughed and nodded at taehyung's reaction to the kiss. he looked at chinsun's back disappearing into a room. he snapped out of his gaze realizing he'd be late if he stood there any longer.


the bell rang loudly throughout the school. the end of the day. the start of another adventure on this fine thursday afternoon.

chinsun waited for taehyung with delana, kiki, and kaat.

"how did he even know peonies are my favorite?"chinsun muttered.

"we told him,"kaat exclaimed.

chinsun looked up.

"aish, stop blushing!"delana belted, giving chinsun a flick.

chinsun groaned in response, hiding her face behind the bouquet of flowers she held in her hand.

kaat squealed, seeing bangtan walking towards them. for chinsun, it was almost normal or ordinary for bangtan to hang out with them. but for the three, it was far from normal or ordinary. chinsun understood though, i mean one minute she declared her hatred for taehyung and another she's blushing because of him.

taehyung slung his arm around chinsun's shoulder.

"well, we'll be going."

chinsun nodded, waving bye to her friends.

"so where we headed this time, tae?"chinsun asked, as they exited the school grounds.

"to your parents' house."

chinsun held taehyung's arm, pulling him back. horror filled her eyes, clearly she was terrified.

"what? why?"chinsun questioned.

"chinsun-ah, gina wants to make sure they're alright. do it, visit them. tell them. for her sake."

"why should i? have they made any effort in trying to search for us? have they called to ask about our well being?" chinsun pouted, crossing her arms.

"it doesn't matter. be the bigger person. do it for gina,"taehyung paused, thinking of a way to convince chinsun,"i'll buy you ice cream after."

chinsun looked up at taehyung, she smiled widely.

she sighed,"fine."

taehyung grinned in victory, he intertwined their hands together, leading the way to chinsun's old dwelling.

"why does it seem like you know the way?"chinsun questioned, still annoyed at the fact she gave in.

"gina talks about it a lot. you don't know this but, when you leave to go to work, i usually stay with her."

"tae, of course i know."

"what? how?"

"one, gina talks about it a lot. two, you always pass out on the couch when gina falls asleep."


they walked in a comfortable silence.

"i don't like today's adventure." chinsun pouted.

"awwwwh, its okay. at least i'm getting you ice cream,"taehyung replied, ruffling her hair.

chinsun huffed, trying to fix her hair.

they arrived in front of the house. it was silent. it was never silent. every house on her street was quiet, her house was the only one that was loud. so you can understand why chinsun was so surprised to see, well hear, nothing. it was dead silent.

they walked up the steps, taehyung looked at chinsun. chinsun was already looking at him. taehyung gave her an assuring smile before giving her hand a squeeze. chinsun knocked reluctantly, scared of what's to come next.

the front door opened, and she saw her grandmother.

"grandma!"she squealed, throwing her hands around her.

"oh, chinsun-ah! how are you?" she responded.

"what are you doing here?"chinsun asked.

"i'm trying to make your parents make up so you guys can move back in,"she whispered, giving her eldest granddaughter a wink.

"no, no, i don't want to move back in,"she said.

her grandma ignored her comment, admiring the peonies in her hands,"oh, who gave you these? he did, huh?"

taehyung bowed.

"he's pretty special, if he gave you these." she commented.

"we have to get going, grandma."

she hugged her grandma once again, trying to peak behind her. she wanted to see her parents. she wanted to believe that they weren't fighting. she wanted to believe her grandmother. but she had her doubts. she always had her doubts.

"oh alright,"she said before whispering,"he's a keeper."

chinsun blushed, pulling taehyung away from the front door. the woman looked at their intertwined hands, smiling, before closing the door to handle the problem hidden behind the walls.

"your grandmother is nice," taehyung complimented.

"yeah, she is."

"what did she say? when she whispered in your ear."

"she said you were a keeper,"chinsun giggled.

taehyung smiled widely at the girl he was holding hands with.

"yah! where's my ice cream!"she exclaimed, nudging taehyung's side.

taehyung chuckled at the girl, admiring her side view.

it was then that he truly confirmed his feelings for her.

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