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chinsun walked down the seemingly long staircase. she panted heavily as if she had ran up and down these stairs continuously without a break. but that wasn't the case, she almost died.

the word 'terrified' wouldn't even be close to describe how chinsun felt. it was traumatizing. she was petrified. she stumbled back, falling on her ass when she ran into someone who was rushing up the stairs.

kim taehyung.

"c-chinsun-ah, there you are. i've been looking everywhere for you."

he pulled her up. she kept her head down. chinsun couldn't face him. it was too much. taehyung held her shoulders in his enormous hands. he shook her lightly, trying to snap her out of her trance.

"i-i-i was a-at the rooftop."

taehyung looked at her confused.

"what's wrong?" taehyung asked her.

"n-nothing," she stuttered out,"i-i have to go."

she walked away from taehyung... well tried to. taehyung had caught up to her. he held her small hand in his and walked with her. no words were exchanged.

1) chinsun wouldn't converse with him.

2)taehyung could sense something was wrong but couldn't pinpoint it.

3) taehyung didn't want to push her.

so he was just there, for emotional support; taehyung felt that holding her hand would give her comfort . he stood in place in the middle of the sidewalk. the same place taehyung had ran into her that first day.

taehyung held her shoulders. she looked down. it was a never-ending cycle.

he pulled her stiff body into his, rubbing his hand up and down her back like how she likes it. the feeling of his hand running up and down her back brought her to tears. it was as if it was the last time she would ever get to feel this.

she sobbed on taehyung's chest. taehyung said nothing but continued to embrace her, there wasn't much he could do.

he pulled away enough to pull her head up. he wiped the tears that ran down her face with his thumbs. taehyung sweetly kissed her forehead, leaving it there for a minute.

"you can tell me what's wrong, i'll be here for you."

"t-taeyeon. s-she pushed me off the railing,"she hiccuped,"i almost died, taehyung."

taehyung was shocked to hear this. anyone would be.


"she told me to stay away from you, that you're out of my league and that you wouldn't go for someone like me," she looked up at taehyung,"is that true?"

taehyung was beyond angry. not only did taeyeon say false statements to chinsun, she tried to kill her.

"no, no of course not. i love-."

he almost said it.

"i love you too, taehyung."

chinsun wrapped her arms around taehyung's waist, her head resting on his chest.

"you do?"

she nodded. he smiled.

"i'll talk to taeyeon, okay?"

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