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taehyung walked inside the school grounds with his arm around chinsun's shoulders. clearly, he didn't care if taeyeon saw him or not. in fact, he wanted show off. chinsun questioned his way of protecting her. if this was his method of protecting her, it looks like taeyeon will confront chinsun once more and actually finish her off this time, the thought terrified chinsun, but she trusted taehyung. he'll do something about it, she thought.

as the two walked towards their friends, chinsun remained silent while taehyung socialized. chinsun was stealing glances at taeyeon who seemed to be glaring at her. chinsun tried not to pay attention. but it was difficult not to give attention to someone who was glaring. especially someone who was ready to kill you at any given moment. it wasn't like chinsun didn't know that. if taeyeon had tried to kill her once, who's to say she wouldn't do it again.

chinsun tugged on taehyung's arm,"she's glaring at me."

taehyung looked taeyeon. he glared at her, too. taeyeon put a fake smile on and waved at taehyung, she swept a strand of hair behind her ear. taehyung scoffed.

"fake bitch,"taehyung's embrace tightened. chinsun hit his arm.

the bell rang.

"c'mon, i'll walk you to class,"taehyung offered.

"no, it's okay. you'll be late for class."

"don't object,"taehyung rolled his eyes.

"object. wow, i'm impressed, taehyung-ie."

"hey! i'm smart!"taehyung fought.

"oh really?"

"yes! i've gotten an award before."

"what kind?"

"a grammy,"taehyung pulled his original derp face.

"haha, soooo funny, tae!"


chinsun giggled.

"be careful, i'll be here when you get out,"taehyung smiled widely, a box forming on his lips.

"okay, hurry or you'll be late."

"get inside first,"taehyung insisted. chinsun nodded.

chinsun entered the bustling classroom, noise filled every corner of the room. she was surprised a staff member hasn't come and told them to be quiet. nevertheless, she sat in her assigned seat in the far back corner on the room, it was the quietest corner out of all the corners, most of the students who sat around her were considerate students, who actually seemed to take care about their grades.

ms.gong soon entered the room that silenced the class upon sensing her presence. mrs.gong smiled in victory then started her algebra lesson.

an hour had passed and finally class was over, but taehyung was nowhere to be found.

so chinsun waited, one minute. two minutes. three minutes. she would be late so she went on without him; chinsun walked towards her second class of the day, world history. she was minding her own business, walking alone because none of her friends were with her in that class at this time of day. peace, finally. 


suddenly, she was pulled into the janitor's room. 

a dim light lit up the small closet, revealing taeyeon and her two minions. it was surprising that all four could fit inside this miniature room. 

"what do you want?"chinsun demanded an answer. 

"i told you to stay away. you'll ruin my plan!"taeyeon yelled. 

"it isn't my fault taehyung doesn't like you!"chinsun fought back. 

within 0.00000001 of a second, taeyeon's hand went up, flying straight to her left cheek. the sudden slap caused chinsun to groan and the affected part to redden. it was clearly evident, the red handprint on her cheek. 

"stay away, or i'll actually finish you off." 

taeyeon and her minions walked out of the janitor's closet, leaving chinsun to look at her shoes tears streaming down her face. the handprint on her face became redder by the second, it wouldn't be gone soon that's for sure. 

chinsun continued her way to her next class with her head down, numerous pairs of eyes burning holes into her body. 

who knew how much trouble you can get into for liking a guy 

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