Who To Call?

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Three hours.

That's how long Shadow sat on his bed, touching himself, since he woke up.

The feeling, the wanting, finally went away. For some unknown reason, Shadow started to have difficulty with getting rid of it. He didn't do anything differently from the first time, but the wanting lingered. When he realized that it was taking so much longer for the feeling to leave, he started thinking that he should see a doctor.

However, his pride got the best of him.

Before you think of Shadow as an idiot for putting off getting professional help, put yourself in his shoes. Think of how embarrassed you'd be, if you had the reputation of someone feared, respected, and admired for being tough, then having to go to the doctor about your...

Ahem. Private parts.

Shadow left his messy bed and went to the bathroom. He turned on the faucet for the tub and ran himself a bath. Shadow was trying hard to calm himself down after the morning of touching himself. He'd been so desperate to get rid of his wanting that he ended up being too rough with himself. His parts were sore, and he accidentally gave himself a few small scratches.

Unfortunately, this is when Shadow realizes that his bladder is full.

He switched off the water, and sat down on the toilet. As he was going Number 1, he saw that his legs were starting to shake. He looked at his hands, which had also begun shaking. His breathing quickened, and he felt his face and private parts heat up.

The wanting had returned.

'It hasn't been five minutes!' Shadow thought.

As he began touching his already-sore private parts, he gave himself a mental slap in the face. Ever since he first started touching himself, the wanting would return more than once.

First it would only return once after the morning session. 'No problem.' Shadow had thought.

Then, the wanting would return a few more times each day. Shadow began to worry.

And now, not even five minutes after the three whole hours of trying to satisfy himself, the wanting was back.

Shadow was incredibly sore now. He could barely calm his breathing (which had become panting), and his hands were covered in pee.

'Come on... Come on... Please...' he begged in his mind.

But it wasn't working.

That's when Shadow realized something scary: not only was it not working, but he was starting to go numb. Even though the wanting was on a rampage, he'd lost feeling in his private parts.

'Alright. This is too much.' Shadow thought. 'The minute I'm out of my bath, I'm getting help.'

After washing his hands, Shadow was about to step into tub. But then, as if saying "SCREW YOUR BATH! GO GET HELP, NOW!", the wanting flared up worse then ever, and Shadow doubled over I'm agony from an unpleasant feeling in his stomach.

"Okay, okay. Help first, bath later." he said to himself.

Hoping that the feeling wouldn't return too quickly, Shadow Chaos Controlled to his room to get his phone.

'Wait.... Who am I gonna call?' Shadow asked himself. 'Okay, let's just think about my options:


No. He's an annoying imbecile. Besides, he'd never let me live it down.


DEFINITELY NOT. He's got all of Sonic's worst qualities, only worse.


He's smart, but I don't want to tell a little kid about my body problems, whether he could help or not.



Shadow kept thinking. 'Espio is out of town working on some mystery. Jet is just like Sonic, so no. I don't know Blaze very well. Silver-


That's it! Silver can be naive, but I know he isn't a complete idiot. He's in town right now, he's always willing to help somebody, and with him being from the future, he may have more info on how to help. And I know the guy well enough to know that if I tell him something embarrassing, he can keep a secret.

Silver it is!

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