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   When I get into the photo shoot parking lot, I take a deep breathe. And I just pray, I pray real hard. I pray that everything goes good, and that this baby doesn't mess up the photo shoot. I ain't showing yet but still wanna keep the baby news on the DL. As soon as I open the door. My manager, make-up crew, hairsylists, and my clothing crew come running towards me giving me hugs and kisses and telling me how they miss me. I really miss them. I really did.
       But I was in the mind set of getting back into business. I sat down in my chair and I let them get to work. 50 minutes later I am done, in my modeling clothes, hair looking cute and make-up is popping. I have 5 minutes to spare so I catch the crew up on everything.
     " Hey guys I missed you man, how work?"
" Girl, it hasn't been the same without you, it's been really crazy, your manager been working us to death, but since you are back she might go a little easy on us" said my make-up artist Henry.
   " I am so sorry guys I just been wanting to get out of the public eye and just lay low. But man it feels good to be back, I am ready to be on all the magazines, take back my crown".
        " Alright enough of the chit-chat, Rihanna you got to go on set and start taking pictures". Said my manager Stacy
      I got up out of my seat, I didn't even notice that I was wearing dior. Omggg I never wore dior before, it looks and feels so good. I feel like a million bucks. I walk on the set and I start posing. Once I start I can't stop. I am in my own world. I missed this so much man yall just don't know.

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