August's P.O.V

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Man, Rihanna gives me the chills. But I mean the good chills, the type of chills that get you so hype. She just doesn't know. And when we was at my house eating, I couldn't control myself. Yes, I know she is with Drake, but she belongs with me.... We have a great connection, something I know drake doesnt have....
       Yeah, I hurts being rejected, and yeah I kinda feel like a fool. But I don't care, I am showing her that I am brave. When I noticed that paparazzi was in front of my house taking pictures of us. I knew she needed help, plus she didnt drive here in her car. So I grabbed my car keys, locked my door and I walked outside. There was so many paparazzi in front of my house, I felt bad forRihanna. We got in the car, and we was just silent the whole ride to her house.
     So many things where going through my mind, now that her being in my house is now out in the public, thanks to the paparazzi. Like I dont want drama circulating around her and me. I regret inviting her, shouldve just kept my feelings inside. But what hurt me the most was that she said we cannot be friends. That broke my heart, but the heart whats what the heart wants..... Even though thats not what my heart wants......

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